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What Matters in the Kitchen!

By definition, a(n) ____________ is the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination. This is different from a(n) ____________, is the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms. Atoms consist of one ___________, one or more ___________, and zero or more neutrons. The numbers of protons contained within the atom determine the element. There is always the same number of protons as ___________ within an atom. Elements are composed of _________ type(s) of atom(s). When two or more differing types of atoms are bonded to one another, they form a(n) _____________. _____________________ include elements and compounds. They are inseparable by methods other than chemical reactions. _______________ are able to be separated by ways of distillation, dissolving, filtering, screening, etc. Mixtures may be classified as homogenous or heterogeneous. Homogenous mixtures have components equally separated, such as _____________. Heterogeneous mixtures are easy to separate due to _____________________________________. Mixtures can occur between/ among all ______________ of matter. ______________ are homogeneous mixtures in which components are dissolved.

What Matters in the Kitchen!

Mikes Punch Pit
1.) Describe each ingredient that the Kool-Aid mixture is comprised of

Water Color

Kool-Aid Powder





2.) Use your senses to describe the Kool-Aid mixture. What traits from each ingredient prevail?

3.) Can this mixture be separated? Why or why not?

4.) What tools might you need in order to separate this mixture?

5.) Why is Kool-Aid considered a mixture? What type of mixture is it?

What Matters in the Kitchen!

Mixies Snack Shack
1.) Describe each of the components of Mixies trail mix:

Color Shape/form Texture Scent Other

2.) As a whole, what traits does the trail mix take on? Do certain traits from specific ingredients prevail?

3.) Can this mixture be separated? Why or Why not?

4.) What tools might you need in order to separate this mixture?

5.) Why is trail mix considered a mixture? What type of mixture is it?

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