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Small business is an important component of the business environment of any country, in terms of employment and contribution to economic growth.

However, the growth and welfare of small business is often constrained by such issues as lack of available human resources, lack of management skills of the owners, lack of credit, corruption, and poor infrastructure, depending on the country. Write a report on the small business environment in a country in Sub-Saharan Africa (you may choose any ONE country in Sub-Saharan Africa). Your report must also include recommendations to improve the small business environment in the chosen country.

Research: Primary research (Ya pa) Secondary research (Articles, online, journals) Country research: SWOT ANALYSIS Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threat (About the country the location, the government base on the above) Demographic Geographic Economy Government Environment Legal Local and activist groups Media Culture Telecommunications Need to base on those criteria in order to know what the problems that are arising in the country are. That will be our first research as from that we will be able to understand and state out what the problems may be and why is it so?? :S It is mentioned that small business suffer from lack of available human resources (Why?? Is it cause of the demographic, geographic, location or culture??), lack of management skills of the owners (Why is it so?? Cause of the environment, education level, the government etc??), lack of credit, corruption, and poor infrastructure, depending on the country (Why, is it cause of the economy?? The government, the demographic the population etc??).


Key publics Identify the key publics of the countrywho are those people mostly: The government?? Media?? Local people??? a bit like who are the small business target audiences at large Strategies Key messages Tactics Recommendations References

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