Girl Scouts Spring Registration

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Calling. All Parents!

Pop Quiz!
Do you think it's important that your daughter ... 1.Discovers ways to have fun? 2. Connects with people in your conununity? 3. Takes action to help others? Ifyou answered "yes" to any of these questions, get involved with Roselle Park Girl Scouts TODAY! Our organization-now in its IOOth year-is uniquely for girls, and the largest network devoted to girl leadership in the world. We hope you will get your girl involved. Parents,_ we also need your talents! Girls cannot lead without extraordinary adults (like you) to guide them! Questions? Please contact Roselle Park Girl Scouts Organizer, Sonya Leingang, at or 908-634-9898 or attend our Spring Registration and Activity Night:

Friday, May 4th Sherman Elementary School Gymnasium 375 East Grant Avenue

Enjoy hands-on activities from our Girls' Guides and Joumey books plus


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