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In this very project I would like to first and foremost God for the strength he has given us.

I would also want to thank my parents for their assistance and my teacher Mr. W. Smith for giving me this educational project so I can learn about Standing Start. Thank you

The researcher wishies to educate readers about Standing start in this very project you will learn: What is Standing Staert. Why is Standing Start important You will also see picture of Standing Start and give an overall brief history of what standing Start is:

This is a form of start used in track and field. It is mainly used for long distance races. Races include: 500 Meters 300 Meters 1,500 Meters The starting stand is carried out at the starting line where the athletes stand toeing the line and listen for only two (2) commands: Set and Go.

The standing start is of paramount importance. This is so because it allows the athletes to exercise more comfort when running a long distance, unlike the crouch start where the athletes go down on their marks which is a lot more difficult, the standing start provides more comfort to the athletes. The standing start also allows more athletes to participate in the races. When the standing start is used the athletes listens only to Set and Go and this allows them to run a longer distance on the track in a short period of time.

Britley Gayle Grade: 6 March 19, 2012 Physical Education Teacher: Mr W. Smith

What is standing start?


Why is standing starting important?




1. Paramount- Important ; (Great Importance)

2. Standing Start- A form of start when running long distance races 3. Crouch Start- A form of start when running short distance races 4. Commands- This is when the athletes listens to the whistle or gun.\images

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