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There are many types of hydro electric schemes: 1 Run-of-River Schemes 2 Storage Schemes 3 Pumped Storage Schemes

Canal Power House Schemes

ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF HYDRO ELECTRIC SCHEMES 1 2 3 4 5 6 Storage Reservoir Dam Water conductor system Power House Tail race Switchyard

The 90 per cent dependable year is thus, termed as the year in which the annual generation has the probability of being equal to or exceed 90 per cent of the time on annual basis during the expected period of operation of the scheme. Minimum draw down level (MDDL) of the reservoir is selected from consideration of estimation of siltation in the reservoir during the life of the project, optimization of power benefits and safe limit of operating heads of turbines taking into consideration site specific constraints, if any. Full reservoir level (FRL) for the scheme is determined considering geological and other constraints in raising the dam height and also considering various other related aspects of submergence and rehabilitation etc.

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