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The break-up By Britt Henrix

Cast of Characters Lisbeth: Jennie: Ron: Rons dad/Edward: Jennies mom/Caroline: Nice,confused Easily confused, jealous, nice, and a dramaqueen Nice,easily annoyed aesily annoyed very nice, overly happy

THE BREAK-UP SCENE: 1 INT.SCHOOL HALLWAY-AFTERNOON NARRATOR: This story is about 3 normal kids, with a fairly normal life. It all starts when Ron and Lisbeth met when they were children. From the first time they saw each other, they fell deeply in love. It was love at first sight. Now ten years later, when they are both 15 something happened. Ron confessed his love to Lisbeth. This is were the story begins. SOUND: BUSY HALLWAY LISBETH: (CONFUSED) Wait what... SOUND: QUIET HALLWAY RON: (HAPPY) I have for so long, too long. I needed to tell you. I hope this doesnt change our friendship. LISBETH: (CONFUSED) uhm. It wont, its just. You see, I have liked you too for a very long time. RON: (SURPRISED) YOU HAVE! LISBETH: (HAPPY) Yes.....yes I have. RON: (ROMANTIC) Well, does this mean that you wouldnt mind going on a date with me? NARRATOR: They did go on a date, and it was amazing. They went to the flowery park in the city. They used to always go there when they were children. Now it was were they always met when they wanted to see each other. They were so happy, they thought that nothing could make them unhappy. They were wrong, 5 years ago Ron and Jennies parents married. They became step-siblings. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



NARRATOR: (contd) Lisbeth promised that she will never go out with Ron. She broke her promise, and Jennie is upset SCENE: 2 EXT.IN THE CITY-EVENING JENNIE: (IN A MEAN VOICE) Hey lisbeth LISBETH: (REALLY HAPPY) Jennie, I have to talk to you. You will never know what happened last weekend. JENNIE: (MAD) I do, and I dont care, leave me alone. SOUND: PERSON WALKING AWAY AND CARS IN BACKGROUND LISBETH: (WORRIED) Jennie, whats wrong. Dont walk away from me, tell me whats wrong. JENNIE: (SCREAMING) I thought you were my friend. Did you forget the pact we made? Leave me alone, I hate you. SCENE: 3 INT.AT JENNIES HOUSE-AFTERNOON NARRATOR: Jennie goes home mad, and her mom sees that something is wrong. When they are all having dinner Jennies mom asks her whats wrong. JENNIES MOM: (NORMAL) hey Jennie, how was school today. JENNIE: (UPSET) I dont want to talk about it. RON: (NORMAL) OK. now that your big mouth is shut for once, I can say something. I met this girl and you guys know her. We are dating.




JENNIES MOM: (SUPER HAPPY) Thats amazing, who is it? RON: (HAPPY) Thats the good part, its Lisbeth! JENNIE: (MAD) WHAT! I cant believe you, you are dating my best friend. As my brother, you arent aloud to date my friends. How can you do that to me! SOUND: CHAIR MOVING JENNIES MOM: (WORRIED) Jennie, are you okay. Is that why you were upset earlier? RONS DAD: (ANNOYED) Just leave her, she is just overreacting like always. JENNIES MOM: (MAD) Dont talk like that about my daughter. You dont know how close she was to Lisbeth. Ron go upstairs and apologize now. RON: (MAD) Apologize for what? For finally being happy. RONS DAD: (MAD) Do what your mom tells you to do. RON: (MAD) She is not my mom, and she will never be a good replacement. RONS DAD: (SHOUTING) RON! Go upstairs and apologize now, and when you have, go to your room and stay there. SOUND: PERSON WALKING UP THE STAIRS SOUND: DOOR OPENING


SCENE: 4 INT. Jennies roomafternoon RON: (UPSET) Hey Jen, I am sorry,I didnt know you would react so bad. I thought that you would be happy that she finally had someone who takes care of her. JENNIE: (MUFFLED) You dont understand. You see a long time ago we made a pact. The pact is that she wouldnt date you if I didnt date her brother. We made the pact when our parents married. RON: (UPSET) Sorry, I didnt know about that. I just came to apologize. From now on, I will be a better brother I promise! I will be in my room if you want to talk or something. SOUND: JINGLE BOY: (HAPPY) Can I use your toothpaste it makes your teeth so white. GIRL: (HAPPY) of course, I always use Colgate. It gives a white effect in only 3 uses. SCENE:5 INT.SCHOOL HALLWAY-MORNING NARRATOR: After the talk with her brother, Jennie realizes that she handled wrong. The next morning in school Jennie apologizes. JENNIE: (UPSET) Hey, sorry about overreacting yesterday. I just got mad, and I realize now that I shouldnt have. I guess pacts are made to be broken. LISBETH: (UPSET) Its OK. I forgot about the pact. I feel like such a bad friend.




JENNIE: (UPSET) I have to tell you something, concerning Ron. LISBETH: (CONCERNED) Tell me now! JENNIE: (WORRIED) Well, yesterday I walked by his room and... LISBETH: (CURIOUS) And what? Tell me! JENNIE: (QUICKLY) I heard him talking to a girl saying "I love you" and "I miss you". LISBETH: (LAUGHING) No, that isnt true. JENNIE: (UPSET) I am so sorry. SCENE:6 EXT.PARC-AFTERNOON NARRATOR: Lisbeth and Ron are meeting up at the parc after school. RON: (HAPPY) Hey babe, I almost thought that you werent going to come. LISBETH: (QUIETLY) I wasnt planning on coming. RON: (CONCERNED) Why? LISBETH: (MAD) Dont act like you dont know. I know about her, and that you talk to her.




RON: (CONFUSED) You do, how? I never told you. LISBETH: (MAD) So you admit, you are cheating on me. I hate you! SCENE:7 INT. Jennies house-afternoon NARRATOR: They both went home after the fight. Lisbeth calls Jennie about what happened. Jennie is really concerned and worried.When Ron comes home Jennie confronts him. JENNIE: (WORRIED) Ron, Lisbeth called me. What did you say to make her so upset. RON: (A LITTLE MAD) To be honest, I have no idea. She got mad when I told her I had contact with you-know-who. JENNIE: (CONFUSED) You-know-who? I dont know who you are talking about, anyway I have to finish my homework. RON: (WORRIED) Jennie, did you perhaps say something to Lisbeth? JENNIE: (NORMAL) Ya, I told her that you were talking to you-know-who. RON: (ASKING) Who do you think you-know-who is? JENNIE: (NORMAL) Well since you said "I love you", someone you love. RON: (MAD) You idiot, you-know-who is my mom. My actual mom, not some girlfriend. Jennie what have you done?




JENNIE: (UPSET) I am so sorry, I am going to call Lisbeth immediately. RON: (MAD) No I will call her, after what happened I dont trust you anymore. JENNIE: (MAD) I made the mistake, I have to fix it. RON: (MAD) You will only make things worse. JENNIE: (MAD) When she sees you are calling she wont pick up. I know her, and I know how upset she is. RON: (UPSET) Your right, just tell me her response OK? JENNIE: (NORMAL) I promise. SCENE:8 INT. Jennies house-morning afternoon NARRATOR: After they finally figured things out, everybody feels bad about it. The next morning they fix, what hadnt been fixed yet. RON: (SURPRISED) hey I didnt expect to see you here. LISBETH: (UPSET) Well, I had to come and apologize. I feel so stupid! RON: (NORMAL) It isnt you fault, just a misunderstanding between Jennie and me.




LISBETH: (WORRIED) lets just forget we ever had this fight OK? RON: (QUICKLY) Forgiven, and forgotten. Lets go to school. LISBETH: (CONCERNED) Wait where is Jennie? JENNIE: (HAPPY) Right here, I am so glad we got this figured out. Lisbeth I also want to apologize for being so jealous. I give you guys my blessing, and hope you guys stay together for a long time! Just promise you wont be all in love when I am around. I still want to talk to my best friend without feeling like the fifth wheel. RON AND LISBETH: (LAUGHING) We promise! JENNIE: (HAPPY) Now lets hurry before we get late to school. We dont want to be late on the last day of school. SOUND: PEOPLE RUNNING AND LAUGHING THE END

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