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Definition of terms

Definition of terms
a school subject in formal institutions of learning which introduces to Islam as a way of life and a career discipline

Islamic Studies (ISS/IRS)


positive or negative evaluative manners or reaction to ISS (a) belief, thinking and views (cognitive ) & (b) feelings, likeness or dislike interests (affective) (NelsonSmith, 2008)

Definition cont
Motivation the effort and quality of behaviours showed in different activities (Watters and Ginns, 2000) A-self efficacy (ease of his/her ability to learning/do well in Islamic studies, (b) practice of Islam) & students study strategy
An observable cause of outcome of something such as students (personal) factors, parents' factors, peer influence factors, media factors, job-demand, political factors and social factors, (Bronfenbrenner, 1986) comprising micro, meso, exo and chrono systems

Environmental System

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