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Warm up exercises:

Body: Face: Massage face, jaw, tongue root, behind ears, neck, shoulders Massage temples/smooth strokes from eyebrows Open jaw, smooth jaw down Wobble jaw Push jaw open with heel of palm Pumpkin face, raisin face 360 degree vocal yawn Neck rolls (pulling head towards ear and holding shopping bag) Body fold (rag doll/hug self) Shoulder rolls (forward and backwards) Shoulders, elbows, arm rolls Arm stretches (across body and clutching hands behind) Locked hands behind during body fold Pulse crouch to stretching hamstrings

Tongue: Breath: Hamstring stretch against the wall Rock forward shh step back Fricatives vvv, zzz, jgg Cow/cat breathing (lift head and exhale sound out) Humm-nnaaa in table top, leaving jaw behind mmm-aaa (hands cupping face, different pitches) mma-aaa (hands cupping face opening arms out) hhh-humm-na scooping sound from pit of belly wuh wuh wuh wuh yum Throw the shoe Nng How do I love Thee aural P-T-K, D-V-B Stick tongue out, then in Floppy tongue, pointy tongue Trace lips with tip of tongue Teeth wash with tongue Push against finger Surf out tongue root ey-ey-ey-ey-ey without moving jaw

Key, Ta, He, Ga Proper copper coffee pots Mrs puggy Wuggy The blue bug bled black blood and the black bug bled blue blood Counting: 1 and a 2 and a...

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