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BUSINESS PLAN for GENERAL TRIAS Customer Profile a) Target customers :General Trias, Cavite was formerly known

as Malabon, Cavite, Localsa r e c a l l e d M a l a b o n i a n s w h o e a r n e d b y w o r k i n g a t t h e S a n g l e y P o i n t i n Cavite City, a US naval facility. Before the expiration of US Bases Treaty, S a n g l e y P o i n t c l o s e d a n d i n t h e m i d 8 0 s c a m e t h e i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n o f Calabarzon. The EPZA and Industrial parks mushroomed in Cavite most ofwhich were in General Trias or its neighbor Rosario, Cavite. Because of this, t h e t o w n o f G e n e r a l T r i a s h a s e m e r g e d t o b e o n e o f t h e f o u r f a s t r i s i n g municipalities of the province of Cavite, where transients have already settledin with the locals.Our target market would be the Malabonians (town proper residents),residents of nearby towns, barangays, villages and subdivisions, students and teachers from the two De La Salle supervised high-schools, teachers and students of the municipal elementary and high schools, local officials andtheir staff plus other employees of the municipal government, balikbayanretirees, visitors and commuters passing through General Trias, and ofcourse the transients/workers of the offices of MetroManila, factories at E P Z A , G a t e w a y a n d o t h e r i n d u s t r i a l p a r k s , w h o r e s i d e i n d o r m i t o r i e s , apartments or homes in the town proper and nearby villages. b) Products :Famous 7-11 products like the Slurpee , hotdogs, coffee of differentflavors, delicious siopao, instant cup noodles, softdrinks, and clean tube icewill be the best sellers. Hot meals like the rice toppings, sandwiches, thes c r u m p t i o u s b a k e d f r e s h p r o d u c t s ( p a n d e s a l v a r i a n t s ) m i n e r a l w a t e r , various chips and cookies, ice cream, cigarettes, chewing gums/candies willsurely share in the top choices. Prepaid phone cards or e-loads in lowerd e n o m i n a t i o n s w i l l b e a s m a s h . T h e s e w i l l b e f o l l o w e d b y t h e b a s i c necessities for personal hygiene (toothpaste, facial wash, bath soaps etc),for the home (cooking/ condiments, cleaning agents/laundry), supplies forschool and office and copies of leading newspapers for national and local news.

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