San Key Mexico News 1008

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Mexico News Update

miinngg eevveennttss:: October 2008
~ Our family will be Marc & Melodie Sankey
moving back to Mexico in Jordan, Cameron and Logan
~ Bible Methodist Youth Bible Methodist Missionaries in
Convention in Saltillo - Mexico
December 28 - 30 O
Ouurr B Biibbllee M
IInnssttiittuuttee iiss O
Oppeenn A
OuurrSShhaarreeSSuuppppoorrtteerrss:: “This is what I have been looking
for.” Alejandro is one of our newest
Thank you for your pastors, a young man saved out of a
contributions to our ministry life of drugs and alcohol abuse. Last
on a monthly basis! Your week, he came from his remote
giving makes it possible for mountain village in Oaxaca
us to return to Mexico for (southern Mexico) to continue his
another 3-year term of education at the Re-opening of our
service. As a reminder to Bible Methodist Institute. He had Professors Rundell and Snider
our new share support team
teaching an Institute class
members, you may start
sending your monthly support classes including “The Doctrine of
this month through your local Holiness” taught by Rusty Rundell
Bible Methodist Church or to from Westfield, Indiana and
Missions Treasurer Monte “History of the Church” taught by
Stetler - P.O. Box 18128 William Snider from Hobe Sound,
Elsmere, KY 41018 Florida. These visiting professors did
a fantastic job with their respective
subjects and I heard so many
wsslleettteerrss:: just finished taking notes during comments from the 31 students who
Professor Rusty Rundell’s class on participated in this new beginning,
If you receive our monthly email newsletter,
“The Doctrine of Holiness” when he about how helpful and useful these
please take a moment to print it and display
made this declaration stated above. class sessions were. Steve Stetler and
it in your church to share with others who
Professor and student stopped right I taught class sessions as well.
may not have access to email. Thank you!
then and there and prayed together Homero Luna, our legal
for Alejandro to receive the blessing representative, former president of
of a pure heart. This is just one of the Mexican Bible Methodist
many examples of God’s great Conference, taught a leadership
blessing on a fantastic week that course.
included: The Mexican Bible We had been planning and
Methodist Church General preparing for this moment a long
Assembly, biannual elections of time. It was a week of intensive
conference leaders and Institute academic exercises, the course for
Page 2 Mexico News Update
the mission work was set for the next the wisdom of their professors and
year, new leaders were elected to left with 5 new books each,
fulfill the plan of action and the including a brand new Spanish
message and movement of Holiness Thompson Chain Reference Bible
was rediscovered in a clear and for every pastor. You have given
Our Address: powerful way that will impact and they have received. They have
2112 W University Dr. #1122 pastors, young people and laity for now returned to their city or village
Edinburg, TX 78539 years to come. It only happened and have begun sharing insights
because many of you have given recently received, to needy souls.
Phone: faithfully across the last few years to And the cycle continues. As you
(956) 566.3929 Mexico Student Aid, believing that give, they receive. As they receive,
one day God would once again, raise they give. As they give, you receive
Our Website: up a new generation of scholars and the blessing of knowing you have
E-Mail: church planters that want to go into had an integral part in training a new generation of “called out ones” in Mexico. ~ Marc Sankey
Mexico Blog:

Institute Students and Professors

Missions Director John Parker the whitened harvest field and spread
Institute Professors
enjoying some delicious Mexican tacos
the Good News of Jesus’ love for a
sinful world.
Hiigghhlliigghhttss:: They came from all over Mexico -
PPrraayyeerr R
~ We have found several pastors, laity and young people - all ~ Housing for our family in
housing options for our family with a thirst for knowledge and Saltillo
in Saltillo but nothing is learning. We had hoped initially for ~ The Youth Convention in
definite yet. Please help us pray
that God will lead us to the
5 or 6 maybe 10 students when we December
right place. finally started giving classes again ~ Our National President
~ We have completed 52 Share under the auspices of our Bible Dolores Hernandez and our
Support Services and have 10 Institute. 31 students showed up, National Board
more to go! The Lord has been they scribbled notes eagerly, drank in ~ Protection for our family
so good to us. as we finish up our Share
~ We are looking forward to Support Tour
attending the Bible Methodist
~ Continued health for our
Ministerial in KY in November.
~ We are so excited son, Logan
about enjoying Thanksgiving in ~ Our national pastors and
Saltillo Parsonage Project
Ohio with the Miller side of our
Thank you so much to the churches and
family and Christmas in ~ Our Institute President, Eli
individuals who have given to the Saltillo
Mexico with the Sankey side of Balderas,
Parsonage andOnly
Project! family
about $1,000 is
our family! needed to complete the project. To see
Study time between classes photos, visit our Missions Blog at

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