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Reduce use of paper and complete digital library

Summary of the plan Our team has come out with this idea to reduce the usage of paper in the campus and make use of the technology available to us. We can easily save paper, thus saving trees. Daily lots of papers are being used by the college for circulating notices, exam results, attendance etc. The changes which we plan can be easily adopted in the campus are as follows: 1) We can make complete use of moodle and mail facility available to each student and faculty members for passing necessary information. 2) The concept of a digital library. Digital library This is a really great concept which if completely executed; our college needs only 1 copy of each book as reference within the library. Others can be made available to all the registered students and faculty in the college Website. Another advantage by implementing this plan is that, readers shouldnt have to wait for their chance to read. Everyone can share and read whatever book needed. If any part of the book is so important, then student can take print out from the library or from outside

Our team is working for the completion of financials for a digital library, we will mail you the details of financial requirements and other cost parts after certain clarification. This is just the summary of the concept which we have planned.

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