Courageous Living Bible Study Handouts

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1) Do you know a courageous hero? Do you know who Sergeant Rafael Peralta is and the impact of his courageous life??? 2) Read Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 31:23 and Joshua 1:16-18dig deeper - discuss thoughts: Joshua 1:1-9 a) How many times did God instruct Joshua to be strong and courageouswhy is courage key to being a good leader?

b) What did God promise Joshuarequire of Joshua?

c) What did God say is the key to success? Deuteronomy 31:23 d) What was Moses telling Joshua before he died? e) Can you think of a modern-day commissionyour role as a Christian and father? Joshua 1:16-18 f) How did the response of the people toward Joshua confirm Gods call in his life?

g) What did the people promise to do? Summary h) Is there something God has told you to do for which you need to have courage, trust Him and obey Him?

i) What have you specifically been commissioned by God to do?

j) Like Joshua, how have you made mistakes as a leader yet still continued to seek the Lord, get back on track and serve as a strong example for followers? 3) Improvement Opportunities: Spiritually Lead, Guide and Protect those under Your Care Success in spiritual leadership of family is directly tied to commitment to the Word of God Consider how God wants you to sacrifice your life for the sake of your family Consider the threats around youphysical (carjack), spiritual (bullying, peer pressure, body image, sexually pervasive culture) and others not so obvious (attitudes of bitterness, internet/tv/movie content in home, friends/hobbies/activities that deter from church involvement, unresolved marriage/family issues) Connect with godly parents for wisdom, friendship, encouragement and support Intentionally spend more quality time with kidslearn more about them and share info Pray for courage to confront threats to you and your family Pray for wisdom and boldness to step up and be the dad you need to beserve, lead, protect! Courageously follow Christ and His wordsacrifice to fight for our faith and families!

Gods call to leadership for Joshua was also a call for him to commit to read and dwell on Gods Word. So, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being completely committed and 1 being walking far from God then answer why did I give myself that ratingthis is a tool for you to assess yourself then reassess to witness growth as a man. Courage to Follow Gods Word What factors influenced this rating? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Obedience to Gods Word What factors influenced this rating?


Meditation on Scripture What factors influenced this rating?


Success as a Christ Follower What factors influenced this rating?


Write three specific steps you will take this week to better read Gods Word and Obey His voicehow will you answer the call it is time! 1


4) Do you possess courageous values? Do you know who Allen and Violet Large are and the impact of their courageous act??? 5) Read Matthew 6:20-21, Joshua 7:1-12, Joshua 7:19-21 and Joshua 7:24-26dig deep thoughts: Matthew 6:20-21 a) What do you talk about, think about and spend your time and money onis your heart & treasure in alignment with words from Jesus?

b) List 3-5 things in your life that matter most to you.

c) Why do we invest so much time, money and energy on things that do not last?

Joshua 7:1-12 d) What did Achan do that was so terriblewhat was Gods response to his sin?

e) How did Joshua respond to God right after the battle of Ai?

Joshua 7:19-21 f) Why did Achan take from the articles consecrated to the Lord? g) Why do you think Achans sin stood out enough for God to teach them such a strong lesson? Joshua 7:24-26 h) Since Achen confessed his sin yet still failed, how can you literally stamp sin out of our lives today and be more like Joshuahow is repentance from sin like putting it to death?

Summary i) How would your life be different if you began prioritizing and living for the things that matter most to you? j) Are you allowing hidden sin in your lifedo you agree that one misplaced value can be all the sin needed in the life of your family and the life of your kids families for generations - are you prepared for Satan to grab a foothold? k) Have you been tempted to place more value on things other than Godwhen you did, was it satisfying at all and have you experienced the consequences what brings you satisfaction?

l) Does the current economic climate have you wanting more or holding on to what you have?

6) Gods favor is your pursuitso, pursue Him. God commands us to keep His words and it is the key to success and source of our happinessit is a direct link to further revelation from Him and the road to being blessed. Obedience to God is of the greatest value in lifewhat we value indicates our level of love and obedience to God. So, evaluate your commitment to Gods Word as you read and write out the following verses. What do they really mean to youwrite a sentence of renewed commitment to God? Joshua 1:7

Psalm 1:1-2

John 14:21


7) Identify misplaced values in your familyhow does the way you observe birthdays, Easter and Christmas reinforce materialism rather than gratefulness to God for what He has done for you?

8) Identify three new values for yourself and your familydo you need to turn off the TV and spend time as a family or get rid of things such as X, Y and Z that are weakening our spiritual lives or volunteer as a family to serve others and spread His good news what matters most?

9) Improvement Opportunities: Spiritually Lead based on Values and Prioritize that Matter Most! Misplaced values mean displaced livesdo not allow selfish desires to take priority over God. Read and live out 1 John 2:15-17 Allow God to reprioritize your family values, help you to lead and script what matters most. Discern the worlds attempts to entice you and your kids to create sin in your camp at home. Do not lose focus on freely giving from what God has given you and serving others more. Lead your family to desire the things of God. Reshape what your family views as true wealthwhat made Javier a rich man? Pray for courage to value and prioritize what matters most and confront threats to family. Pray for wisdom and boldness to step up and be the dad you need to beserve, lead, protect! Courageously follow Christ and His wordsacrifice to fight for our faith and families!


10) Discussion: What kind of positive and/or negative impacts did your father have on your life? Any examples you hope to model in your home? Are there examples to be avoided? 11) Read Joshua 23:1-10 and Joshua 23:14-16dig deeper - discuss thoughts: Joshua 23:1-10 a) How did the people of Israel find success in the promise land? What was needed to ensure this success continued?

b) What similar charge did Joshua give to the people that God had given him?

Joshua 23:14-16 c) What did Joshua remind the people about Gods promises?

d) What was Joshuas warning concerning Gods commands?

Summary e) What spiritual legacy do you want to leave with your family?

f) What will you do to lead your family in a closer walk with God?

g) Consider contacting your dad. Thank him for giving you a godly example to follow. This may open a dialogue of past hurts. In some cases, forgiveness may be necessary to heal old wounds. Ask God for courage! If you no longer have a dad or never knew your dad, consider writing a letter of forgiveness to him. Keep the letter as a reminder of Gods healing. 12) Improvement Opportunities: Leave a solid spiritual foundation for your family! Have regular devotions with your family Wake-up early Sunday morning and model the importance of church attendance Set good examples of priorities (God, wife, family, friends, church, work) Find opportunities to serve others with your family (Thanksgiving, Missions, elderly) Monitor family movies, games and music (compare with Philippians 4:8) Connect with other Christian families and develop godly relationships Spend individual time in prayer and reading the Bible at homefamily will follow

Consider the legacy you want to leave for your kidsplease note that you are already shaping it by what you say and do and the way you represent God in word and deed. Getting up at 5/5:30am each Saturday to grow in Christ with other men sends a strong message to your wife and kids. Seek God for help to identify the 35 things you are doing well and the areas in which you need to improve for your sake today and for the sake of future generations. The greatest impact you have on your children will be how you love God and their Mom, your wife for life! This is a tool for you to assess yourself now then reassess in future to see growth.

My Positive Legacy 1 2 3 4 5

My Commitment to Change 1 2 3 4 5


13) Discussion: Who are the Waodani people and what role did Steve Saint and his father Nate Saint play in their lives? a) Who introduced you to Jesus? b) Think about some people you have yet to share the forgiveness found in Christ. What is at stake if they never hear the gospel? c) What were some aspects you noticed when Nathan spoke to David about faith in Jesus Chris? d) How active are you in sharing your faith with family, friends and others? Read 1 Peter 3:15 2) Read Joshua 24:14-15 a) What do Joshuas final words say about his own leadership of his home? b) Why was it important that Joshua speak for his entire house? c) Do you think Joshua carried out his commitment? Do you have that same kind of commitment?

3) Read Joshua 24:1-13 & 23:14-16 a) How did Joshuas narrative retelling of Gods faithfulness affect how the people though and responded? b) How is the entire faith story important when it comes to boldly sharing ones faith?

c) Refer to 1 Peter 3:15. How is honoring Christ as Lord in your heart good preparation for God to make you a witness for his name?

Summary: It takes the fullness of the Holy Spirit working our lives for us to see the opportunities to share Christ that present themselves every day. It also takes courage to act and seize those opportunities as they come.

Take time this week to lead your family in a discussion about faith sharing. Talk about it daily. Decide as a family the people you would like to share with, and pray as a family for each person. Write down names and pray for opportunities for each member of your family to courageously stand with and share Jesus.

Write the names of three people with whom you already have a relationship and can share your hope in Christ this week.




As you await the right moment, pray: Heavenly father, I thank You for those You sent into my life to share how I could have a relationship with You through Christ. Please make me an effective soul winner and equip me with the gospel of peace so I can boldly share the good news as well. In Jesus name, amen.

Be prepared, in season and out, to share Christ. Confidently pray, asking God to open doors; conduct yourself with wisdom when you are with nonbelievers; and tailor your speech to the situation (Col. 4:2-3).

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