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Billie Gibbs Memorial Golf Tournament July 22nd, 2010 Minutes

Bill Gibbs was the host for the 2010 Billie and he welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes for the 2009 meeting were read. Paul made a motion to accept them as read. John Gibbs 2nd the motion. The motion carried. Old Business Eulin asked to put a motion on the floor. He stated that for 20-years he was the envy of the entire Gibbs Klan. (At which time he got booed down from the membership present) He then proceed with his annual motion ( blah, blah, blah blah blah) about how he should not have received the Louise Cup because he felt Jimbo unfairly picked up his 2 putt on the final hole thus disqualifying him. Jimbo jumped up to attack Eulin in front on everyone, but to everyones surprise it was just a set up. Winston Gibbs then 2nd the motion. Discussion then took place. John Gibbs asked how Eulin actually knew Jimbo picked up his ball, was there a viable witness. Eulin stated a reliable source told him, but he wouldnt reveal his source. A vote was called for. The motion failed by a vote of 35 to 1 with Eulin not even getting the vote of his 2nd to the motion. Gary Register brought up the fact that he still had the 1988 original Billie Plaque and that he would work to get it incorporated into the new plaque. Jimbo took the floor and stated in that in 2004 Duke Gibbs should have won the Weezie Cup, but Gary Voorhees sustained a leg injury and thus was awarded the Louise Cup. Jimbo stated that since Eulin makes his annual motion he may just have to think about making this an annual motion. At which time Duke told him he was crazy. For the record: Eulin decided to tell the newcomers a little history on Billie & Louise so he told the story of Louise accusing Daddy of cheating one year while they were staying at Fernandina Beach. In the end daddy got so mad he picked up his club stormed off the course and drove back to Pearson, Ga. New Business Course rules will be played as stated on the score card. All balls will be played down as the course is in good shape. Handicaps were set for new players with each newbie getting a chance to plead his case: Callihan Helms from Macclenny stated he was new to the game and had only played a few times. His good buddy Ty Gibbs was on the sideline throwing him under the bus, telling him how Callihan had bragged to him how much he had improved. After long discussion it was decided that Callahan could make a 6 ounce perch sound like a 3lb bass so he was given a 33 handicap.

Josh Mills was next up to plead his case: He asked what was the highest he could get. He said he just found out what a handicap was. Someone from the crowd yelled, I heard hes got new clubs, what type are they. Eulin stated all he knows is that Josh is an athlete and that must count for something. Duke asked Josh how many rounds have you played in your life. Josh stated 10. Technically he could have gotten a 36 but the new clubs cost him so he was given a 30. Danny Scheuster begged the committee for a 12. Larry Byrnes stated if Dannys a 12 then mother Teresa is a 1. Danny ended up with a 1. Before John Vollrath could even open his mouth, the Gibbs boys from Hartwell were already on the attack. They claimed he shot a 67 when he was 14-years old. John never got to plead his case and thus he ended up with a 5. Micha Jacobson wasnt present, but Jimbo clearly stated he was a 1. No one could dispute Jimbo so he was given a 1. Niko Mageo wasnt present either so he was given a 20 Glenn McKendree from Macclenny wasnt present, so his good buddy Bill Gibbs had to speak for him. Although Bill attempted to get him the full 36, well for those of you that know, no one ever gets what they want. He was given a 30. Pastor Randy Williams from Macclenny was not present, but Bill Gibbs stated he might be on par with Rex Huffman, at which ended all discussion. He was given the full 36 Steve Dixon of Macclenny sent word he would like a 24 but the crowd laughed and stated well give 75% of what he wants and thus was given an 18. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

2010 Billie Gibbs Memorial Golf Tournament Fernandina Beach Golf Club Fernandina Beach, Florida Final Results Event Billie Gibbs Memorial Open Champion Billie Gibbs Memorial Champion Jack Gibbs Memorial Senior Champion Duane Camps Memorial Low Net Champ Louise Cup Robert Rochelle Two Man Team Champs Robert Rochelle Two Man Team Champs High Man Award The Comeback Kid Award The Fade Award Hack-A-Matic Award Whiner Award Dapper Dan Best Dressed Player Micah Jacobson 71,70 Lincoln Register 77, 80 Gary Register 94, 81 Lincoln Register 77,80 (HC14) Jimbo Brogdon 108,108 Winston Gibbs 77 Matt Allen 85 Tyson Gibbs 133, 126 Matt Allen 109 85 Bill Gibbs 97, 105 Randy Williams 15 on par 4 Eulin Gibbs Drew Gibbs Score 141 157* Playoff 175 129 216 162 162 259 -24 +8 +11

Individual Hole Winners Course FBGC FBGC FBGC FBGC FBGC FBGC Day #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 Event Longest Drive Closest to Pin (par 3) Longest Drive Closest to Pin Longest Putt Longest Putt Hole # W3 # W9 #N4 #N 8 #W9 #N9 Player Micah Jacobson Micah Jacobson Matt Gibbs Matt Gibbs Ryan Byrnes Bruce Mobley

Billie Gibbs Memorial Scores for 2010 NAME Micah Jacobson Lincoln Register Bruce Mobley Winston Gibbs John Daniel Gibbs Danny Scheuster Paul Gibbs Ben Hobbs Drew Gibbs Brian Bennett Matt Gibbs John Vollrath Armand Winters Jake Brogdon Justin Mills Brad Brogdon Wade Britt Simeon Register Ryan Byrnes Sam Warren Larry Byrnes Marshall Hall Steve Dixon Kyle Williams Gary Register Wade McKelvey Eric Seleen Bill Gibbs John Gibbs Nicko Mageo Duke Gibbs Eulin Gibbs Nick Williams Glynn McKendree Kyle Register Jimbo Brogdon Matt Allen Josh Mills Jeremy Hobbs Callihan Helms Ty Gibbs Randy Williams Round 1 Round 2 71 70 77 80 80 73 81 77 81 76 81 80 82 79 82 79 82 84 84 80 84 87 84 77 85 83 85 81 86 84 89 84 89 88 90 87 90 87 90 88 91 WD 93 83 94 89 94 86 94 81 94 89 97 96 97 105 98 96 98 WD 98 90 99 93 100 102 107 101 107 95 108 108 109 85 115 107 120 112 123 103 133 126 179 WD Gross 141 157 153 158 157 161 161 161 166 164 171 161 168 166 170 173 177 177 177 178 WD 176 183 180 175 183 193 202 194 WD 188 192 202 208 202 216 194 222 232 226 259 WD Handicap 1 14 6 2 6 1 11 14 17 11 13 5 13 14 10 8 16 12 12 16 16 19 18 10 14 15 28 29 19 20 25 16 33 30 29 29 18 30 30 36 36 36 Net 139 129 141 154 146 159 139 133 133 142 145 151 143 138 150 157 145 154 153 147 WD 139 147 160 147 154 137 145 157 WD 138 160 137 148 145 158 158 162 172 154 187 WD Fade/Comback

-1 3 -7 -4 -5 -1 -3 -3 2 -4 3 -7 -2 -4 -2 -5 -1 -3 -3 -2 WD -10 -5 -8 -13 -5 -1 8 -2 WD -8 -6 2 -6 -12 0 -24 -8 -8 -20 -7 WD

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