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Quiz 1 - Accounting
Instructions: Write the number of each item in the appropriate section(s) of the appropriate financial statements below and indicate whether it is an increase or decrease. Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Operating Revenue: Assets: Operations:

Investment: Liabilities: Operating Expenses:

Finance: Taxable Income: Owner Equity:

Net Cash Flow: Net Income:

You are the CEO of a mobile app development company. 1. A VC firm funds your initial startup costs in exchange for a 20% stake in the company. 2. Your app is highlighted in the app store and your app sales soar. (no variable costs) 3. You hire new developers to start work on porting your app to other operating systems. 4. A rival company releases a copy of your app causing sales to fall. (no variable costs) 5. You hire a law firm and give them a cash retainer, to prepare to sue your new rival. 6. You sell your old computers for cash. 7. You take out a loan to pay for new computer monitors. 8. A toy company offers you 1 million dollars in cash to turn the characters from your app into action figures and you accept.

New Revenue Asset Definitions

Balance Sheet MUST balance!

Sign Conventions

Cash Flow Echo

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