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EMPLOYEES DAILY AND MONTHLY TIME REPORT Month Beginning Endin g Sacred Pathways Program Soc.

Sec # / on file
Address Calendar Month and Date Morning Start Stop Afternoon Start Stop Night Start Stop


Day of Week Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Total time worked 1st week

Total time worked 2nd week

Total time worked 3rd week

Total time worked 4th week

Total time worked 5th week

Total Hours
I hereby certify that the above report of time is a correct statement and I hereby approve the statement of total hours

indicates total hours worked for the period covered as indicated at the top of the page

worked and that the time indicated is correct

Employe e


Superviso r

Dat e

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