Congress Notes

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Elect presiding officer they run everything (give time signals and calls for everything). Establish a docket.

. 5-7 to start with. The order can be changed. Then preliminary motions how to get things done in chamber. Motion to spend the rules for direct questioning. After 3 minutes you can call on questioners. CX is 1 minute unless you speak first and then its two. Answer questions well and quickly. Motion for open house you can leave during house Suspend rules to allow for hand votes all votes except final vote is done by raising hands. Then main motion (were starting). Its very formal. Presiding officer will introduce first bill. He will call for authorship speech can only be made by person who wrote the bill. If theres no authors presents then it goes to sponsors. 1st pro and neg speeches have 2 minutes cross ex. For the others it is 1 minute. All speeches are 2-3 minutes long. And then after a good debate, someone will motion to previous question. So we vote on whether or not we should vote and then we vote for bill if we vote for voting for the bill. Goes on for 2 hours. Motion for recess is a break. Giving a speech: Only use evidence to convince people of something. Dont make every contention filled with evidence. At least one to two per contention. Use it smartly. Judged on speeches based on how you presented, if you make eye contact. Ones are the worst in congress And then at the very end there is a motion for orders of the day or recess to get out of there. Need to be able to refute what other people are saying. Senator x said this but hes wrong for this.

Senator X from A speaking for the nth time today.

At the leisure of the judges and the presiding officer, just give me a nod when youre ready. Im now open to questions. I now relinquish the floor and walk off. Promoting alternatives to 4 year colleges. Recency order of speaking. Even if you have bad recency you should still stand up but theyll skip over you. Note of personal inquiry to ask about stuff.

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