EDEL453 Spring 2012 Gis History Reflection

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Title of Unit: An Age of Exploration

Making A Plan: Reflection Page

1. How did you come up with the idea for this unit plan? I came up with the idea for this unit by looking through the fifth grade textbook. I wanted to fifth grade because I recently decided I want to teach the older students. This lesson looked interesting and it seemed like it covered quite a few history standards.

2. What was the easiest part of writing this unit plan? The whole unit plan was fairly easy since we have done so many of them. I am more familiar with the format of the lesson plans and the textbook so this unit wasnt difficult to complete.

3. What was the most challenging part of creating this unit? The most challenging part of creating this unit was thinking of what to do to help the students who are struggling. Im not sure what I could do to help them as much as possible if they dont understand these concepts.

4. What suggestions do you have for yourself for the next time you write unit plans? The next time I write unit plans I will try to be more familiar with the material I will be teaching. I dont remember a lot of this information so that makes it a little more difficult. If I knew a lot about this information then my lesson plans would be much more interesting and detailed.

EDEL 453 Spring 2012

Karen Powell- Instructor

Submitted by: Amanda Regis

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