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News 5 Student Congress candidates to begin campaigning this month

February 1, 2012

With deadline approaching, only five candidates have filed to run for office including the first ever presidential slate
By Lizz Vensas
Collegiate Staff Writer
Starting in February students will be seeing campaign signs around school, not for the Republican Primary, Democratic Caucus or general election, but instead for our own Student Congress elections. For the second year, Student Congress will be having open elections for their executive board positions, this includes president, vice president, communications director, budget director, and public relations director. Those who want to run for executive board positions will have to meet the qualifications and submit their intent to run form by February 3, said Campus Elections Committee Chair Samantha See, Then campaigning can begin and elections will be in the last week of March. See hopes this years elections will see more participation by students and more candidates to run in the race. Only 1% of the population voted last year. Last year was our first year having open elections, said See. This is new for us, but this year we hope to see more flyers, buttons and posters. We want to see more interest by students, we will even hold a discussion panel for the candidates to discuss what they

will do if they are elected. We definitely want to see some competition, said See. See recognizes a lot of advantages to running for Student Congress position. She explained that the position will look great on a resume and that it shows you have a good work ethic. In addition running for the positions is a way to help represent students at GRRC, and she encourages all students to consider joining student congress as well. If you want to join, you can come to a meeting and check out what we do, said See. Then go online and fill out an application to join and get sworn in at the next meeting. Members of student congress consist of the Executive Board Members, student club representatives, and open seat members. Eric Mullen, advisor to Student Congress, is also pushing for more student representation at meetings. We have about 15 vacant seats on student congress, said Mullen. These are open for any student to join. You do not have to be a member of a club or organization to serve. Current members of the executive board are Tonja Lofton as president, Joe Byron as vice president, Ledis Santos as communications director, Anthony Provenzano as interim budget director, and Raymond Gant as public relations director. Provenzano was appointed President Tonja Lofton to serve as interim budget director after Micah Foster resigned. Micah has been looking for work and recently got an offer out in California, explained Tonja Lofton. I know it hurt him to leave in between semesters, because he was extremely dedicated to student congress. He is definitely somebody who contributed

a lot to our organization. We were lucky to have him with us. Members of the executive board plan to assist candidates in learning their positions. While candidates run they should definitely talk to e-board members, suggested Samantha See. The members will then try and train the candidates to be ready and able to run Student Congress the next year. The students that get elected will be sworn into office at the end of the semester, which means they will technically start their positions over the summer. Recent changes in Student Congress by laws have affected who is eligible to run for student congress executive board. Vincent James, Student Congress Parliamentarian, explained that because the Constitution already addressed the eligibility requirements and when the Student Congress Bylaws tried to expound on the requirements, that was unconstitutional so the Bylaw was struck down making only two requirements to run for office within Student Congress, which are that you be a member of Student Congress and taking at least six credits. Executive board members in student congress are compensated throughout the semester for their work. We felt our student leaders deserved compensation for all of their effort, they are required to spend a certain amount of hours work in their position said Mullen. Those students choosing to run for student congress can began to start campaigning as soon as they feel necessary. Get to know the candidates and be ready to step into the polls in March. See below for short biographies of the candidates who have filed by January 30.

roles of the

executive Board
as told By the current

executive Board
Runs Student Congress Tie breaking vote Reports to the Board of Trustees Member of all subcommitttees Voice of the students


Represents the student body Sets the agenda Makes vacancy appointments Appoints Parliamentarian

TIME REQUIREMENT: min. 20 hours per week

Vice President

Head of the Recognition Committee Manages the food pantry Gives out leadership awards Assists the President

TIME REQUIREMENT: 10-18 hours per week

Join various committees and subgroups on campus (Code of Conduct Board, Strategic Leadership Committee) Brings cupcakes for Congressional members birthdays

Budget Director
Chair of the Budget Committee Manages and oversees the Campus Activities Fee Allocates for recognized clubs on campus

Allocates for campus activities Consider budget requests from individuals on campus, clubs, staff and faculty

TIME REQUIREMENT: 10-15 hours per week

TIME REQUIREMENT: 20 hours per week

Responsible for all official communications Keep accurate records Post meeting notices in advance Keeps track of Congressional attendance

Communications Director

Conducts roll call of members Liason for GRCC Communications Office & Graphic Services Updates website

Public Relations Director

Chair the Public Relations & Technology Committee Publicizes Student Congress through media, including social media

Candidates who have filed as of January 30

Chaka White
Office Seeking: President Major: Health Administration Semesters at GRCC: 9 Current Leadership Offices: President of the Black Student Union, Student Congress Diversity Liason What will you do if elected?
My plans are simple, yet grand. I plan to put action behind the voice of the students with collaboration of an organized and motivated E-Board.

TIME REQUIREMENT: 11-15 hours per week

Promotes student activities Oversees student readership program of USA Today Assists clubs with member growth

Ross L. Pike
Office Seeking: Vice President Major: Political Science Semesters at GRCC: 3 Current Leadership Offices: President of the College Democrats, News Editor of the Collegiate, Student Congress Representative for Womens Issues Now What will you do if elected? Why are you running?
While always serving the students, I would ensure the food pantry continues and assist the President. I have always done my best to dedicate myself to serving others and feel that with Chaka and I, our student experience would grow and be representated well.

Joe Byron
Office Seeking: President Major: Chemistry Semesters at GRCC: 5 Current Leadership Offices: Vice President of Student Congress, President of the Anime Club What will you do if elected? Why are you running?
My most important goal is to faithfully represent my fellow students at GRCC. Because I am both willing and capable of fulfilling the duties required of me for the position.

Jeffrey Noel
Office Seeking: President

Declined to comment and answer candidate questionnaires from the Collegiate staff.

Why are you running?

So that I can serve the student body as well as lead us all to become stronger, greater, and more successful.

Running as a Presidential Slate

Anthony Provenzano
Office Seeking: Budget Director Major: Culinary Arts Semesters at GRCC: 4 Current Leadership Offices: Interim Budget Director, former President of Film Appreciation Association What will you do if elected?
I plan to continue fairly arbitrating fund requests for student orgs and attempt to streamline the budget allocation process.

Requirements to run for Student Congress Executive Board positions: No candidates have filed to run for Public Relations Director Be a member of Student Congress Be taking at least 6 credit hours Deadline to file to run: February 3 at 5 p.m. File online at via the GRCC Student Congress page

No candidates have filed to run for Communications Director

Why are you running?

I believe I can remain objective and frugal in balancing the accounts.

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