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Head, Face, Neck Muscle Name

Buccinator Depressor Labii Inferioris Levator Labii Superioris Medial Pterygoids Lateral Pterygoids

posterior alveolar process of maxilla mandible, between symphysis and mental foramen medial 1/2 of infraorbital margin medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid palatine bone Superior head: lateral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid temporal fossa zygomatic arch manubrium of sternum medial portion of clavicle

modiolus skin of lower lip upper lip muscles inner surface mandibular ramus angle of the mandible neck of the mandibular condyle

Compress the cheek(s) draws the lower lip downward and laterally elevates the upper lip closes the lower jaw (clenches the teeth) chewing opens mandible (inferior) closes the mandible (superior) elevate mandible back and forth of jaw bilaterally flexes the neck

Temporalis Masseter Sternocliedomastoid

coronoid process ramus of mandible mastoid process temporal bone

Location Only
Galia Aponeurotica Frontalis Galia Aponuerotica Occiptalis Orbicularis Oculi Orbicularis Oris Mentalis Depressor Anguli Oris Zygomaticus Major/Minor Platysma Genioglossus* Styloglossus Digastric* Geniohyoid* Mylohyoid* Sternohyoid

(*) Forms floor of mouth

Back & Trunk

Muscle Name
External Abdominal Obliques Internal Abdonimal Obliques Rectus Abdominis

anterior angles of the lower eight ribs lumbar fascia anterior 2/3 of the illiac crest pubic crest & pubic symphysis

Outer anterior half of iliac crest

supports abdominal wall assists forced expiration abducts and rotates trunk supports abdominal wall assists forced expiration abducts and rotates trunk flexes trunk aids forced expiration

pubic crest and pectineal line

costal cartilages med inf costal margin

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