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Human Resource Development

HRD is a process by which the employees of the organisation are helped in a continous and planned manner to 1. Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions in the present and in the future 2. Develop their general capabilities, discover and exploit their inner potential for both individual and organizational development 3. Develop a strong organisational culture with good senior- sub ordinate relationship, team work and collaboration and contribute to the professional well being, motivation and pride of the employees.

Aims at Developing the capability of each employee as an individual The capability of an individual in relation to his role in present and in future The relationship between employee and employer Team spirit, collaboration among different units of the organisation TQM

HRD subsystems
Performance Appraisal, Potential appraisal Employee training Career Planning and Succession planning Executive Development Participative Management Quality circles Organisation change and development Rewards Employee welfare and QWL HRIS

HRD Matrix
It shows the interrelationship between HRD instruments , processes ,outcomes and organisational effectiveness

HRD subsystems
Performance Appraisal Career planning Potential appraisal T and D Executive Development Succession Planning Job enrichment Programmes etc

HRD Processes
Role clarity Proactive orientation Performance Planning Development climate Value generation Collaboration and Team work Openness etc

HRD Matrix
HRD outcomes Organisational Effectiveness
Higher productivity Growth and Diversification Cost reduction Greater Profit Better Organisation image

More competent people Optimal utilisation of HR Better developed roles Better Organisational health Higher job satisfaction Greater motivation Increased communication etc

The Training Paradox

Increasing an individuals employability outside the company simultaneously increases his or her job security and desire to stay with the current employer

What is the Need for training? And What are the benefits?

5 step Training Process

Need Analysis (Organisation, Job, Manpower analysis) Instructional design Validation Implementation Evaluation

A General Systems Model of the Training and Development Process

Assess Instructional Need Develop Criteria Pretest Trainees Monitor Training Evaluate Training

Derive Objectives

Select Training Media and Learning Principles

Evaluate Transfer

Evaluate Transfer


Training Methods
On the Job (OJT) Job Instruction training(JIT) Coaching /Under study Job rotation Special assignments Apprenticeship Off the job Vestibule training Role play Lecture method Conference/video conference Programmed Instruction Computer based training Virtual training

Training versus Development

Time short term Focus- Learn specific behaviour and actions Process- improve a specific skill related to the job (technical and mechanical ability) Goal- improve performance on the current job

Time- long term Focus- Understand and interpret knowledge, develop judgmental competence Process- Improving total personality (analytical and conceptual ability) Goal- Meet future challenges of the job

Management Development

Understanding the strategic needs of the organisation and developing the future managers by imparting knowledge and changing attitude

Need for MDPs

MDP helps in acquiring and developing different types of managerial skills and knowledge 1. Decision making skills (Case study, in basket, business games) 2. Interpersonal skills (Role play , sensitivity training, Behaviour modelling) 3. Job knowledge 4. Specific individual needs 5. Organisational Knowledge

A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush knows the corner.

..HRD believes in this

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