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STKM 2523 Pemakanan Dalam Kitaran Hidup Assignment : Students to work in groups of 5.

. Each group to choose ONE topic related to Pemakanan dalam Kitaran Hidup and elaborate on it. Mode of presentation is freestyle ie. lecture, classroom scenario, role-playing, case study etc. What is stressed on is the fact that the delivery is effective for the target audience. Each group will make one presentation (15min + 5 min Q&A) and hand in a written report. Marks for presentation (60 marks), report (40 marks)

STKM 2523 Pemakanan dalam Kitaran Hidup Semester _________ Session ____________ Name of group _________________________ Group members _____________________________________________________ Project title _________________________________________________________

No. Details Written report (40%) 1 Content relevance to subject matter (20%) 2 Understanding of subject matter, written in clear and concise form, effective use of diagram (20%) Presentation (60%) 1 Content of presentation related to topic (20%) 2 Delivery, effective use of slides, handouts, presentation mode et.c to convey content to the audience (20%) Knowledge and understanding of subject matter, Q & A session (20%)


Evaluated by ___________________

Signature ______________________ Date __________________________

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