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UNIT 4: GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCHConsuming the Rural Landscape-Leisure and Tourism

Lesson Three: The Pleasure Periphery Model

Key concept: the widening and deepening pleasure periphery

1800 source close to home / local W Europe and E USA 1900 Periphery (1) based in NW Europe 1930 Periphery (2) extends to W Mediterranean 1950 Periphery (3) includes all of the Mediterranean 1970 Periphery (4) travel far away and long haul becomes more readily available 1990 Periphery (5) tourists are able access the worlds remotest places eg Antarctica 21st C consolidation? More
extreme activities in existing areas . Backlash to ecotourism. Rise of demand from SE Asia especially China

Increased paid holiday entitlement allowed families to have a weeks holiday in a guest house at the seaside. Continued popularity of seaside resorts.

Beginning of mass tourism, long haul trips to locations such as Florida, Australia and Thailand. Relative costs of flying reduced. Increase in disposable income.

When? Put the statements in chronological order.

Post WW2 continued popularity of seaside holiday camps such as Butlins but also package holidays to Western Europe, especially Spain where the climate was warmer and drier than in the UK. Market developed for unusual and remote locations for holidays such as Antarctica. Development of eco-tourism. Partially because of interest in wildlife but also elements of status.

The Pleasure Periphery- Country of Origin UK

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