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Experiment No 1

Object: Apparatus: Procedure: Specimen: Specimen should be made according to the testing standard. That is Effect of heat treatment on impact properties of steel Impact testing machine, specimen, furnace, oil, water, etc.

55mm in length, 10mm width and height. For performing charpy test, a 2mm deep V shaped notch is also required in the middle of the specimen. 1 Test: 1. Place the specimen in the machine so, that the pendulum of the machine strikes on the backside of the notch. 2. Lift the pendulum to its lifting angle that is 140.5 0 constant. 3. Release the pendulum. 4. This will give you a breading angle. 5. Note that reading and substitute in the following formula to calculate the energy consumed in breaking the specimen.


E = L * K (Cos+Cos)

Fig: charpy specimen Normalized: - heated up to recystallization temperature and cooled in agitated air 2 Annealed: - heated up to recystallization temperature and cooled with slow rate 3 Oil Quenched: - heated up to recystallization temperature and cooled in oil 4 Water Quenched: - heated up to recystallization temperature and cooled in water also known as hardened.5 600 0 C: - heated up to 600 0 C and tested 0 0 C: - cooled to 0 0 C and tested

Results: S.No E S.No 1 2 3 S.No 1 2 3 (Deg) 140 140 140 (Deg) 140 140 140

As Received 12.420 Annealed (Deg) 52 78 71 Mean Normalized (Deg) 91.5 88 92.5 Mean

27.6894 19.5181 21.875 22.3608

14.8269 16.05091 14.4773 15.1183

S.No 1 2 3 (Deg) 140 140 140 Mean S.No 1 2 3 S.No 1 (Deg) 140 (Deg) 140 140 140

Hardened (Deg) 109 107.5 89

8.8271 35.3152 15.7012 26.4858

Oil Quenched (Deg) 98 90.5 85 Mean 600 0 C (Deg) 106.5

12.5625 15.1766 17.098 14.9457


S.No 1 Fracture type: As received (Deg) 140

00C (Deg) 130 2.484





Some ductile



600 0 C

Some brittle


Blue Brittleness

Experiment No 2
Object: Apparatus: Procedure: Prepare (grind) the specimen by sand paper. Then place the specimen on the object table under the indenter of the machine. Now touch the specimen with the indenter by turning the wheel of the machine until the small pointer (needle) on the dial stands approximately at the red dash. This shows that the initial minor load of 10 kg has been applied and the big pointer takes the vertical position. The major load 90 kg is applied by pushing back the crank handle. This moves the needle in the anti clock wise direction and when it comes to the rest position, the crank handle is pulled forward again. By doing so the major load is removed but not the minor load. The dial reading then gives the rock well hardness number. Repeat the above procedure three times to get different readings 6. Effect of Heat treatment on Hardness of Steel Rockwell hardness tester, specimen, furnace, oil, water.

Results: S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Specimen As Received Annealed Normalized Hardened Oil quenched 600 0 C 00C 1 80 (HRc) 81.5 42.5 (HRc) 72 (HRc) 58 (HRc) 22 28 2 72.5 (HRc) 96.0 66.0 (HRc) 74.5 (HRc) 46.0 (HRc) 23 25 3 75 (HRc) 84.5 48.5 (HRc) 69.5 (HRc) 65.0 (HRc) 19.5 31 Mean 75.83 87.33 52.33 72 56.33 21.5 28

Experiment No 3
Object: Apparatus: Effect of Heat treatment on microstructure of steel furnace, oil, water, Grinder, polisher, etchant, specimen, and metallurgical microscope. Procedure: The specimen for metallography must be prepared according to the standard to view microstructure of the steel. The procedure for preparing the specimen according to ASTM standards E3-95 (Preparation of Metallographic Specimens) is as follows 1. Select the surface which is to examined 2. Grind the surface on grinder with 220, 350, 500, 700, 1000, and 1200 mesh paper respectively 3. Now polish the specimen on polisher. Use fine polishing cloth and alumna powder for fine polishing. 4. Prepare the etch ant. Nital is commonly used for steels, which is a solution of ethyl alcohol and sodium chloride. 5. Dip the prepared surface in the etch ant for 1 minute and then dry the surface on specimen dryer. 6. Place the on the plate form in micro scope 7. Turn on the light and select the proper eye piece and lance of proper magnification 8. Adjust the focus until the microstructure is clearly visible 9. Take the picture using modern digital camera for better and reliable results


As received





600 0 C

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Timings engineering materials vol; 1 longman group 1994 United Kindom pp 288 - 290 Rajan, Sharma heat treatment principles and processes prentice hall 2001 India pp 105 Rajan, Sharma heat treatment principles and processes prentice hall 2001 India pp 98 102 Rajan, Sharma heat treatment principles and processes prentice hall 2001 India pp 150 Rajan, Sharma heat treatment principles and processes prentice hall 2001 India pp 148 Timings engineering materials vol; 1 longman group 1994 United Kindom pp 298 Internet web site

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