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Patricia Ann Salazar, RN

I need to have a solid foundation of skills and best place to get that is in the hospital. I decided to have my first hospital experience as a volunteer nurse in Ospital ng Lungsod ng San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan and last for 3 months. I had the opportunity to observe procedures and treatments and had a very clinical experience. I might need as much experience, if given a chance to extend Ill grab it but something needs to end up in finding better opportunities. I had an externship in the hospital during my schooling its different because now I am Registered Nurse with a lot of roles and responsibilities. I will think and act on my own and done what is best and what is right but still I need to have a solid foundation of skills including assessment and critical thinking skills in order to provide the best quality care to my patients. A hospital experience can provide me with exposure to more than I may ever need to know, but it can help to assure that I can face any situation with confidence and skill for at least basic care until more advanced help can be accessed. In a hospital environment, I worked with several nurses at a time and be able to pick their brains for tricks and tips for handling situations and performing procedures that will be invaluable to me throughout my career. I talked to the nurses who work in the field I am interested in and get their opinions on the best way to gain the skills and experiences necessary for that role. This will be the beginning of a lifetime of experiences. Ill be sure to thank them for their advice A month from now, I will look back and realize that what I learned in that hospital is by comparison a mere grain of sand in my eye to what I have learned in the past 66 days. I make the most of it and I'll never regret it.

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