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State Luzon Columbian Squires

STAND FOR LIFE, REJECT RH BILL Youth are the hope of tomorrows progress of the nation. But the raises of Reproductive Health Bill or an Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development or House Bill No. 4244 or whatever they call it is destroying the life, the true freedom and the welfare of the youth. Catholic youth, women and children have values which they are upholding like purity, holiness and chastity but it will be ruined and will be disrespected if the RH bill will be passed.

There are things that incorporated in the RH Bill that will spoil the morality and spirituality of the youth. Some of these are: 1. The universal access to sexual and reproductive health information and education. This will promote the use of contraceptives, pills, and injectibles that gives idea to people at all age the use and application of this artificial family planning method that will then have a consequences which are the unwanted pregnancies..

2. The funding of the said bill will most probably result to corruption because of the huge amount related in its execution. 3. Contraceptives that can be bought to anywhere will lead to curiosity of the people and they will be encourage to take more sexual risks and this will result to disrespect the Sacrament of Marriage. Worst thing could happen is the wide spread of pre marital and extramarital sex.

RH Bill is not the solution for the increasing rate of our population. After all, it boils down to discipline of every individual and respect to one self. As Catholic, we must follow and be guided of the teachings of the church. Get rid of what we call the Tyranny of Relativism. Examine our conscience first before doing things.

To our fellow youth, let us be a good model to others who lost their way. Lets bring them back to what is right and let them realize and feel the great love of God. Always remember the Theme of the CBCP Year of the Youth, STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH. DO ALL YOUR WORK IN LOVE.

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