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HYPERNATREMIA FRIED SALT F - Fever (low), flushed skin R - Restless (irritable) I - Increased fluid retention & increased BP E - Edema

(peripheral and pitting) D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth

BEEP B - Bleeding gums E - Ecchymoses (bruises) E - Epistaxis (nosebleed) P - Petechiae (tiny purplish spots)

RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION - inducing drugs STOP breathing

SALT S - Skin flushed A - Agitation L - Low-grade fever T - Thirst

S - Sedatives and hypnotics T - Trimethoprim O - Opiates P - Polymyxins

PNEUMOTHORAX - S/Sx HYPERKALEMIA - Signs & Symptoms MURDER M - Muscle weakness U - Urine, oliguria, anuria R - Respiratory distress D - Decreased cardiac contractility E - ECG changes R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid) P-THORAX P - Pleuretic pain T - Trachea deviation H - Hyperresonance O - Onset sudden R - Reduced breath sounds (& dypsnea) A - Absent fremitus X - X-ray shows collapse

HYPERKALEMIA - Causes MACHINE M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS A - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory C - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury H - Hypoaldosteronism/ hemolysis I - Intake - Excessive N - Nephrons, renal failure E - Excretion - Impaired

PNEUMONIA - risk factors INSPIRATION I - Immunosuppression N - Neoplasia S - Secretion retention P - Pulmonary oedema I - Impaired alveolar macrophages R - RTI (prior) A - Antibiotics & cytotoxics T - Tracheal instrumentation

HYPOCALCEMIA CATS C - Convulsions A - Arrhythmias T - Tetany S - Spasms and stridor

I - IV dug abuse O - Other (general debility, immobility) N - Neurologic impairment of cough reflex, (eg NMJ disorders)

CROUP - S/Sx SSS S - Stridor


S - Subglottic swelling

S - Seal-bark cough

A - Anxiety A - Asthma

SHORTNESS OF BREATH - Causes AAAA PPPP A - Airway obstruction A - Angina

P - Pneumonia P - Pneumothorax P - Pulmonary Edema P - Pulmonary Embolus

http://images.google.com.ph/imgres? imgurl=http://www.tecson.info/jay/psychiatricnursingmap.jpg&imgrefurl=http://philippinenurse.blogspot.com/2007/07/psychiatricnursing-map-forstudents.html&usg=__DOFlnZlgKXXQ6APusdvN9HkxzS8=&h=5100&w=6600&sz=2645&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=Lz_udKoSHyF1 eM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpsychiatric%2Bnursing%26hl%3Den%26rlz %3D1T4GGLL_enPH323PH324%26um%3D1

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