Eco Terrorism

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Eco-terrorism is defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as "the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against people or property by an environmentally oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature."

Eco-terrorism usually refers to acts of terrorism, violence or sabotage committe d in support of ecological, environmental, or animal rights causes against persons or their property.Eco-terrorism is a form of radical environmentalism that arose out of the same school of thought that brought about deep ecology, ecofeminism,social ecology, and bioregionalism.[9] Ecoterrorism is a controversial term.

Eco-terrorism is closely related to civil disobedience and sabotage in the name of the environment, and there is a debate on where to draw the lines between the three. Sabotage involves destroying, or threatening to destroy, property, and in this case is also known as monkeywrenching[9] or ecotage.[11] Many acts of sabotage involve the damage of equipment and unmanned facilities using arson.

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