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Courtney J.

Skemp Classroom Discipline Plan

o o o o o o o o Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking. No bullying, name-calling, or fighting. Use polite speech and body language. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Come to class on-time and ready to work. Homework is due at the beginning of class. Keep your eyes on your own workno cheating.

o 1st Offense Warning o 2nd Offense Stays in class one minute after the bell rings. o 3rd Offense Stays in class two minutes after the bell rings. o 4th Offense Send to the principal/Call home. o Severe Clause Send to the principal/Call home.

o o o o o Praise Positive notes sent home Student of the Week Social time Class parties

As an educator, I will provide a safe and welcoming environment to enhance student learning. All of the classroom rules are put into place to ensure that this environment is provided. I am consistent, yet fair, and will follow through with consequences when rules are broken. If certain offenses are deemed severe, such as bullying or fighting, then the Severe Clause consequence will be administered without warning. Effective classroom management is the key to any well structured classroom, and I will demonstrate a sense of with-it-ness at all times. Constantly moving around the room, keeping my back to the wall, and making eye contact with my students helps me to be aware of what is going on around me. Along with my rules, the classroom with also be structured to follow the rules put into place by the school district. It is understood that every student is aware of those rules, as they had to read and sign a Code of Conduct contract at the beginning of the year.

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