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Name: Courtney Skemp Course: Introduction to Business

Grade Level: 9 Lesson Title: Needs and Wants (Ch 1.1)

I. Objectives: A. Given time to reflect on class discussion and their own experiences, students will be able to state the definitions of and differences between wants and needs with 100% accuracy. B. Given a worksheet and the text, students will be able to define the differences between goods and services, explain how resources limit the ability to satisfy wants and needs, and give examples of times during U.S. history when needs/wants have been limited by resources with 85% accuracy. C. Students will be able to identify the steps of The Decision-Making Process and how they are used to make thoughtful decisions with 85% accuracy. II. Standards: PENNSYLVANIA STANDARDS A. Speaking and Listening 1.6.9 A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. - Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information or opinions. B. Markets and Economic Systems 6.2.9 A: Analyze the flow of goods and services in the national economy. 6.2.9 D: Explain the laws of supply and demand and how these affect the prices of goods and services. 6.2.9 F: Analyze the functions of private economic functions the national economy. C. Functions of the Government (in Economics) 6.3.9 A: Analyze the process through which government provides public goods and services.

NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR BUSINESS EDUCATION Economics and Personal Finance Economics 1. Allocation of Resources, Levels 1 and 2 2. Global Economics Concepts, Levels 1 and 2 Personal Finance 3. Personal Decision Making, Levels 1-4 4. Buying Goods and Services, Level 1

III. Beginning Activities: (3 min) A. Preliminary Activities a. Identify and test required resources: Computer with Internet, PowerPoint, and speakers. i. Test equipment: Internet connectivity, Overhead Projector, Speakers, and PowerPoint Presentation ii. Turn off screensaver/energy saver b. Review worksheets number of copies c. Greet the class as they enter the room B. Materials Needed: a. Computer with Internet access and speakers b. PowerPoint presentation c. Worksheets IV. Introduction (12 min) A. To begin the lesson and peak interest, students will write down on a piece on paper the things that they need to get through their daily lives. (3 min) B. On the board, the teacher will make two columns, one titled Needs, the other titled Wants and will call on students to volunteer their needs and the teacher will place the answers under the appropriate heading. (5 min) a. The answers will be reviewed and clarified as to why they belong under the appropriate heading. C. The teacher will explain that needs and wants drive the worlds economies, introduce the first section in Chapter 1 (Basic Economic Concepts) of the textA Look at Needs and Wants, and define learning objectives. (3 min) V. Development (20 min) A. Encourage students to take notes on the PowerPoint handouts provided. B. Define for students what needs and wants are, as well as (2 min) PPT # 1-4 a. Private wants b. Public wants C. Have students define the difference between goods and services based on their own personal experiences. (2 min) a. Take a few answers from the class verbally. D. Define goods and services, and explain how resources can limit the ability to satisfy wants and needs. (5 min) PPT # 5-8 E. Pose the question: Can anyone think of any time in history when needs/wants have been limited by available resources? (4 min) a. Allow for some wait time so students can formulate an answer b. Call on students and take answers from the class verbally c. Highlight answers on the board F. Review The Decision-Making Process (7 min) PPT # 9-12 a. Explain the process, 1-5 steps b. Explain personal decision making vs. business decision making c. Ask the students if they have made any major decisions recently, take answers verbally.

VI. Application (5 min) A. Ask students if they have any questions about the material covered in class. B. Students will begin the Chapter 1.1 Worksheets a. The worksheets will have matching, T/F, a crossword puzzle and a completion question about the material covered in todays lesson. b. The worksheet will be taken home and completed for homework, as most students will be unable to complete it in the time remaining in class. c. Teacher will walk around room to monitor students progress and make sure everyone stays on task. VII. Review (next class) A. Open discussion a. The worksheet (Chapter 1.1) will be collected from the previous lesson. i. Did the students have any questions? ii. A summary of the previous lesson will be given. iii. The homework will be collected for class participation points. iv. The teacher will review the worksheets as a means of formative assessment. VIII. Evaluation A. The students will be evaluated on: a. Completion of their homework assignment b. Class participation IX. Anticipated Difficulties A. B. C. D. E. Computer and software are malfunctioning PowerPoint presentation is missing Network is not operational Failure to make copies of worksheets/ did not bring worksheets Limited time due to lengthened/unanticipated class discussion

X. Solutions A. If the computers or PowerPoint is malfunctioning, the following solutions may be applied to the lesson: a. The instructor will have already printed out a copy of the PowerPoint presentation; the print-out will be copied and handed out in lieu of the overhead presentation. The dry erase board can be used as well. The topic will be discussed at length to ensure that the students understand the information. Upon completion, the students will be offered a period of open discussion, where they can ask questions and get misunderstandings clarified. Students will also be encouraged to follow along in the text. b. The PowerPoint will be made available on the class web page, so students can access it from home or when the computers/network is working properly. B. If class time is a factor, the lesson will continue next class period. XI. Reflection of Lesson

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