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Jasmeet Gabha - 12324938 tutor Don Chisholm

Marketing in everyday life 2MKT401


Comparing and contrasting marketing activity -Clothing retailing

Over the previous nine months the UK has malformed from booming, overheated economy to an, almost, catastrophic economy. In a rapidly developing environment, up-to-date market and consumer data is more decisive than ever. Changes in macro-economic variables, such as those explained in the PEST diagram of external variables, which influence consumer purchasing habits/patterns (political, economic, social, technology) have an effect on consumer spending over a period of time. The consequences of those particular changes can take time to come in to effect and show through. However it has now become noticeable that consumers expectations, attitudes and beliefs have altered considerably in the previous months. After the 2008 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers (a financial services firm), major calamities have struck UK financial services sector. There have been dramatic consequences for the UK economy as governments and markets have responded to unfolding events. Some of drastic changes include:
interest rates from 5% to 0.5% (Oct. 08 to Mar 09) the sterling/dollar exchange rate from $2 to the pound to $1.45 (Jun. 08 to Feb 09) the sterling/euro exchange rate from 1.25 euros to the pound to a low of 1.01 euros (most of 08 to Jan. 09) the retail price index (RPI) from 5% to 0.1% (Sept. 08 to Jan 09) the consumer price index (CPI) from over 5% to 3% (Sept. 08 to Jan 09 less dramatic than RPI primarily as it excludes mortgage interest payments and housing depreciation).

References: (Accessed 04/03/2010, 23:01pm)

18th February 2010

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