254 School Climate

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sch# rtype year Outsiders getting into this school is not a problem Fighting among students is not a problem

at this school Vandalism of school property is not a problem at this school Physical/verbal abuse of teachers is not a problem at this school Student possession of weapons like knives and guns is not a problem at this school Students picking on other students is not a problem at this school School Safety Student drug/alcohol abuse is not a problem at this school Firesetting is not a problem at this school Easy access to drinkable water at school is not a problem at this school Gangs are not a problem at this school I feel safe at this school Students feel safe at this school Students feel safe going to and from school My child's school is making progress with school safety Dimension Scores-safety My child's school provides opportunities to see student work in the arts Opportunities for learning in and through the arts are part of our school environment Creativity & the Arts Creative thinking is shared among staff and students Teachers at my school like me to ask questions and be a good thinker The school is enlivened through artistic and cultural enrichment Students' creativity and thinking of new ideas is encouraged at the school Dimension Scores-creativity Teachers can handle students who disrupt class Disruptions in the classroom get in the way of student learning This school has clearly defined rules and expectations for students' behavior The school rules are strictly enforced The Learning Climate The school provides an orderly atmosphere for learning Misbehaving students get away with it Students are rewarded for positive behavior Teachers know most of the students at this school by name Most of the students at school know me by name Students talk to the teachers when they need help Students get along well with each other Students get along well with teachers Teachers care about their students Dimension Scores-learning climate The school sets high standards for academic performance Teachers make expectations for meeting instructional goals clear to students Teachers encourage me to work hard in my classes Teachers provide extra academic help to students who need it The Teachers Teachers encourage students to take challenging classes Teachers believe all students can do well in school if they try Teachers are well organized and prepared Teachers feel responsible for their students' academic success Teachers feel responsible for their students' social and emotional development My child's school is making progress with academic instruction Dimension Scores-teachers It is important for students to attend school everyday Educational Values Teachers at this school set high standards for their teaching It is important to come to school prepared It is important to try hard in school It is important for students to finish high school Dimension Scores-educational values The school building is clean and well maintained School Physical Environment The temperature in this school is comfortable all year round The bathrooms in my school are clean There are a lot of broken windows, doors, or desks at this school I like the food offered at my school Dimension Scores-physical environment The school offers sufficient in service training for staff regarding instructional practices 92.3 96.2 92 93.7 15.2 50.2 8.6 65.6 43 36.5 96.6 99.1 96.4 95.9 31.2 49.4 20.2 76.8 35.7 42.7 87.4 91.2 94.1 90.8 32.1 62.7 11 71.4 36.8 42.8 64.5 71.4 100 100 100 100 57.6 78 94.4 87.8 91.3 72.2 90.7 87.9 84.5 100 82.6 64.1 92.6 79.2 77.7 57.8 90.9 79.4 86.8 78.3 89.3 90.1 80.4 73.1 47 69.4 81 94.3 89.4 27.2 45.4 63.4 60.4 58.3 79.8 78 86.9 87.1 34.4 51.8 67.5 65.5 34.9 41.1 60.7 56.7 94.3 70.2 80 48.5 74.4 77.6 81.1 69.7 47.1 79.4 94.3 92.8 59.1 66.4 72.8 32.8 36 78.5 93.1 58.4 66.7 72.7 48 43.7 85.5 91.9 58.1 57.5 69.2 30.2 41.3 77.4 29.4 77.1 65.7 69.2 39.6 49 45.6 26.2 44.4 44.4 58 50.8 57 57 63.8 64 53.7 52.2 48.6 60 82.9 63.8 72.7 Students (% agreeing) 2009 25.4 21.5 31.7 42.3 48.9 20.3 53.3 59 2010 28.4 22.2 47.5 69.4 50.6 21.4 57.7 61.9 2011 35.9 27.6 31.7 45.8 58.1 25.6 62.6 44.6

254 Parents (%agreeing) 2009 2010 2011 Staff (% agreeing) 2009 22.7 22.7 21.7 26.1 90.9 13 72.7 100 54.5 38.1 52.2 54.6 69 69.5 64.4 59.8 75.5 74.5 86 78.7 60.8 69.6 56.5 59.3 69.2 67.9 79.3 48.6 51.2 60.7 56.5 60.9 2010 14.8 29.6 22.2 40.7 88.5 14.8 76.9 92.3 66.7 59.3 63 55.6 40.7 2011 33.3 37.9 46.4 41.4 79.3 17.2 96.6 82.1 72.4 86.2 75 67.9 53.6

36.4 70.7 65.2 73.6 67.2 54.1





34.1 75.3

28.8 77.4

9.1 34.8 31.8

11.5 44.4 33.3 48.1 26.9 63 63

37.9 62.1 37.9 55.6 37.9 79.3 51.7

72.6 51.8 84.3 85.7

70.6 60.4 83 86.8

36.4 30.4 56.5 34.8

87 65.2 82.6 90.4 70.6 78.6 90 71 87.8 100 51.7 73.9 90.9

85.2 63 70.4 100 55.3 88.9 96.3

75.9 58.6 67.9 100 60.4 75.9 100

95.7 91.3 94 78.3 90.2 79.6 95.7 95.7 91.3 73.9 81.5 83.1 97.6 87.8 86.3 96.1 88.5 95.7 90.9 98.8 98.8 98.8 98.5 67.1 96.2 90.6 100 95.7 82.4 95.7 94.1 30.4 30.4

100 84.6 88.9 100 100 80.8

96.6 85.2 93.1 93.1 89.7 75.9

92.4 96.3 96.2

88.7 100 96.6

100 97.5 59.3 14.8

100 98.9 78.6 37.9








44.5 60.9

51.9 74.1

61.8 79.3

The school offers sufficient in service training for staff regarding classroom behavior management practices Students have enough school supplies My ability to do my job is limited by inadequate supplies or materials The school has clear procedures for getting help for students with suspected learning problems The school has clear procedures for getting help for students with suspected emotional problems School Resources There is someone at school who can give me extra academic help when I need it There is someone at my school who I can talk to about personal problems The school has programs to support students' emotional and social development This school has programs that address conflict and violence among students My child's school has after-school programs to help improve academic performance My child attends an after-school program The after-school program my child attends helps my child to do better in school Recess and PE make my school a fun place to be The school has an effective School Support Team Collaborative planning time is a useful tool for improving instructional practices Students have the opportunity to visit the library and take books home Dimension Scores-school resources The school administration promptly responds to my concerns The school administration coordinates and supports school programs that enable the school to operate efficiently and smoothly The School Administration School administration supports the staff in performing their duties Staff members know what is expected of them The school administration knows what kind of school it wants and has communicated it to staff The school administration works collaboratively with staff to solve problems Staff have enough opportunity to provide input into the school's programmatic decisions Staff have enough opportunity to provide input into the school's budgetary decisions Dimension Scores-school administration Parents or guardians are welcome at this school Teachers have enough opportunity to talk with parents or guardians about students' progress or problems When a student does something good at school, the parents are informed When a student does something bad at school, the parents are informed The school has effective ways of involving parents in the management of student behavior The school tries to involve parents Parent-Family Involvement My child's school is making progress with parental involvement I was provided information on the school system's Parent Involvement Policy Parents have enough opportunity to provide input into the school's programmatic decisions Parents have enough opportunity to provide input into the school's budgetary decisions Parents can use resources at my child's school when school is not in session I receive information from the school system about how my child's school is performing I have the opportunity to join an oganized parent group, such as the PTA/PTO Parents are actively involved in the School Improvement Team at my child's school The school shedules meetings at times that are convenient for parents If my child is having a problem at school, I know who I can talk to I have the opportunity to communicate and get information from my child's school via e-mail The school sends me information in my native language Dimension Scores-parent-family involvement This school does a good job educating students I learn a lot at my school I enjoy working at my school (I like my school) I like my teachers Satisfaction with the School Staff members are recognized for good work There is a great deal of cooperative effort among staff members I would choose to continue to attend (work at) this school even if given the option of transferring The classes I take (teach) are interesting to me (are fun) My school offers interesting elective courses Overall, I am satisfied with my child's school I would recommend this school to other parents Dimension Scores-overall satisfaction Number of Respondents Response Rates* 59.9 287 72.5 68.4 258 79.9 60.5 235 78.3 45.5 60.9 35.2 55.8 63.2 48.3 45.9 52 45.8 77.1 80 81 37 64 62.8 69.5 89 66 58.5 66.7 59 85.2 55.5 76.9 93.5 66.8 82.9 81 61.3 76.9 64.7 74.8 66.3 76.8 85.7 72.9 81.7 77 75.5 68.4 74.4 66.7 47.8 73.4 52.3 81.8 68.6 78 67.5 85.7 58.4 68.3 60.8 77.4 75.8 97.1 88.2 72.7 79.4 79.4 94.1 87.9 73.5 73.5 50 36.4 79.4 82.3 79.4 82.3 91.2 58.8 70.4 86.6 89.4 65.1 86.8 68.3 75.3 74.7 80 72.7 45.5 52.6 76.9 87.8 70 75 78.8 53.3 82 96.1 90.2 69.2 92.5 85.7 92.3 78 77.6 72 56.9 46 84.3 75.5 73.5 77.6 94.2 47.9 56.1 58.4 55.2 75.8 72.5 75.8 77.6 70.1 70.4 76.9 69.9 82 88.3 66.9 68.6 73.7 59.5 40.5 40.5 73.8 64.5 48.3 48.3 35 78.8 59.4 71 71 91.2 53.1 100 64.6 64.6 84.3 58 90 88.2 51.9 63.8 78 33.9 48.8 34 45.7 51.2 60.8

43.5 31.8 43.5 73.9 56.5

34.6 37 55.6 81.5 74.1

55.2 37.9 48.3 89.7 69

60.9 25

81.5 19.2

75.9 55.2

69.6 81.8 70 56.1 65.2 68.2 63.6 95.5 90.9 54.5 47.8 45.5 66.4 100 72.7 78.3 73.9 54.5 86.4

74.1 81.5 70.4 62.1 63 66.7 66.7 88.9 85.2 73.1 63 48.1 69.3 100 55.6 70.4 81.5 51.9 96.3

46.4 89.7 72.4 65.3 46.4 60.7 65.5 86.2 82.8 57.1 37.9 27.6 58 93.1 72.4 75 89.3 58.6 85.7

77.6 72.7

75.9 70.4

79 89.7




71.4 90.9 82.6 95.5

61.5 80.8 77.8 92.3

62.1 79.3 70.4 96.6

81.9 23 30.3

76.8 27 44.3

78.4 29 44.6

*Response rates are not calculated for parent/guardian respondents, since a parent/guardian may complete more than one questionnaire

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