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Q. 1 & 2 - principles 1. Patterns of behavior can be inherited.

a) Heston (1996) schizophrenia genetic/inherited among adopted children separated from parents. This research demonstrates that schizophrenia can be inherited and therefore shows that patterns of behavior can be inherited. b) Bailey (1991) MZ and DZ twins, see homosexuality if one is will the other be? Result DZ 22%, MZ 52%. 2. Animal research may inform our understanding of human behavior. a) Martinez (1991) mice in maze, give chemical to block acetylcholine. Cant find way through to food like before. 3. Emotions and behavior are products of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous and endocrine systems. a) Martinez (1991) mice in maze, give chemical to block acetylcholine. Cant find way through to food like before. Demonstrates the effects of neurotransmitters and therefore how physiological aspects of our body influence the way we operate. b) Schatcher and singer (1962) nr 5 adrenaline injections, show to be more euphoric and happy in misinformed condition. Shows how a physiological aspect such as hormones can affect our behavior. Q. 3 how and why research methods used. 1. Bailey (1991) MZ and DZ twins, see homosexuality if one is will the other be? Result DZ 22%, MZ 52%. Twin studies - twins reared apart to test the effect of genetic vs. environment on their behavior 2. Fisher (2003) questionnaire about loved ones, looked at loved pic while in fMRI scan, then of normal one. Repeat 6 times. results more activity in reward system when loved one. Three dimensional image, when part is active in brain uses more oxygen, can see where its active. Q.4 ethical considerations 1. Schatcher and singer (1962) nr 5 adrenaline injections, show to be more euphoric and happy in misinformed condition. They were not informed about what was actually given to them, however did give an understanding of how we are affected by hormones. 2. Martinez (1991) mice in maze, give chemical to block acetylcholine. Cant find way through to food like before. Not cool!! But is really good for us to understand what area is affected in brain. Q. 5 localization of function in brain 1. Milner (1970) H.M, a part from his hippocampus was removed affecting STM. Remembered number 584 for 15 min, attention elsewhere, forgot the number and that he even had learnt it. Verbal stimuli helped him remember.

Q. 6 effect of neurotransmitters on human behavior 1. Kasamatsu (1999) see how sensory deprivation affects brain. Buddhist group on 72.hour pilgrimage to Japan. Not eat, sleep, drink or speak. After 48 hours hallucinations. Blood sample before and after hallucinations SEROTONIN levels increased in brain, which triggers hallucinations. Q. 8 two effects of environment on physiological processes 1. Terman (1988) SAD (seasonal affective disorder) 10% in north USA suffered from SAD compared to 2% in florida. Melatonin secreted when dark, therefore longer nights in north. (2. Fuligni (2009) stress 70 teenagers from latin America and europe, wrote diary 14 days of experience during the day (conflicts). After 8 months blood samples taken, CRP (protein indicator for development of heart diease) measured. More stressful events elevated CRP levels. ) Q.9 interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behavior 1. Schatcher and singer (1962) nr 5 adrenaline injections, show to be more euphoric and happy, or angry in misinformed condition. They feel the rush of adrenaline but cannot identify it so they use the bhevaiour of the other person to explain it. Q. 11 genetic inheritance influence behvaiour 1. Bailey (1991) MZ and DZ twins, see homosexuality if one is will the other be? Result DZ 22%, MZ 52%. Twin studies homosexuality can be inherited and genetic. Q. 12 evolutionary explanation of behavior 1. CHARLES DARWIN adapt best survive best. - Bailey (1991) MZ and DZ twins, see homosexuality if one is will the other be? Result DZ 22%, MZ 52%. Twin studies homosexuality can be inherited and genetic. EVOLUTIONARY ROOTS TO BEHAVIOUR! 2. Heston (1996) schizophrenia genetic/inherited among adopted children separated from parents. This research demonstrates that schizophrenia can be inherited and therefore shows that patterns of behavior can be inherited. Q. 13 ethical considerations into genetic influence on behavior 1. Heston (1996) schizophrenia genetic/inherited among adopted children separated from parents. This research demonstrates that schizophrenia can be inherited and therefore shows that patterns of behavior can be inherited. Also, might harm participant psychologically, affect life, problematic when applying to job, paternity tests.

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