Dinner Reception

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Synergy PAC Honorary Chairman Congressman John Larson ( T1 C-)

Democratic Caucus Chair

Member, Ways and Means Committee

Invites you to a dinner reception Monday September 1 2 6:00-8:30pm th, 2 0 1 1

nola Restaurant
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004

Suggested Contributions $5,000 PAC Host $2,500 PAC Sponsor $1,000 PAC Guest Please RITSP to Kristen Bautz Bautzg4epartnerstle.com P. 202 609 7462 Please send all payable checks to:
Synergy PAC c/o 4c Partners, LLC 501 3 r d Washington, DC 20001 Contributions or gifts t o Synergy PACS e t ar not tax deducti bl e. Federal l aw requires us to use our best efforts to col l ect and r epor t the nam e, mailing address, oc c upati on, and nam e of em ployer of Individuals whose contr ibutions ex c eed 1,200 in r car a c al endar year. Contributions from e por a ons and tor eign nationals ar e pr ohi bi ted. Persons ar e pr ohl oi ted from et , Fax p a i d f or by t he De mo c r a t i c Congres s ional Ca mp a i g n Co mmi t t e e , www. c ic c a. ot o, 430 S. Ca p i t o l St. SE Was hingtN DC 20003, 202-863-1500, a n d aut horiz ed by Synergy PAC, 6849 on. Old Dominion Drive, Surte 222, McLean, VA 22101, and not authorized by any c andidat e or W S u i Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time www.politicalpartytime.org. The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
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