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Attachment 9 Action Plan Template Student name: Connie Anderson Mentor name: Kyung Hae Lee (Kay) Pre

e Date: Feb 1, 2012 Post Date: April 25, 2012 The student should self assess and then discuss with their mentor the school librarian competencies using the ALA/AASL Standards. The student will use the following guide to rate their attainment of the standards High, Medium, and Low. The standards identified as medium to low attainment, are to be added to the chart below with suggested strategies/projects that will address these competencies during Practicum. These strategies/projects are to be mutually agreed upon by the mentor and student and approved by the instructor. Email the action plan to the instructor (with columns one and two completed) by the end of the second week of the semester. The final action plan with evidence is to be included in the final Practicum packet. Standards with level of attainment medium to low Strategies/Projects to address identified competencies Evidence to Support Attainment of the Competency at the high level (to be completed at the end of Practicum) 1.2 (High) Candidates implement the principals of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active, inquiry-based approach to learning. Create lessons that will have a greater inquiry based approach within the library context. Discuss with PYP coordinator. Taught more lessons that involved students using inquiry approach, ie. What are genres? How can knowing about different genres help me be a more balanced reader? How does knowing about an authors life, help us to understand his or her writing style better, or the kinds of writers they become? What makes a writergood? What draws us in to a good book? What turns us off? How can I identify authority

in a website or other source of information? 1.2 (High) Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessment in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Note: I do a lot of collaboration with all elementary teachers, but it is not what I consider full collaboration. I want to focus on finding a teacher who is willing to engage in a full collaborative project with me that includes pre and post assessment, maybe at the middle school level and use it as a model for others in the future. Develop a collaborative lesson plan/unit with at least one classroom teacher and implement it in the library. 1.2 (medium+) Candidates can document and communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement. As part of the collaborative lesson plan, an assessment will be devised to address student understanding. In addition, a student survey will be created for input from the learner. Collaborative unit created with the 4th grade teacher: Health and Wellness. We spent pre-planning time to develop the unit more fully this year and co-taught 2 lessons. Other lessons were completed either in the classroom or the library based on the need. Library assessment included surveys, observation, and discussions with students and focused on their ability to evaluate sources, in particular web sites for authority and appropriateness. Initial KWHL where the H stands for How Will We Learn. Initial survey (paper) of students ability to identify potential resources and post assessment for Authority in websites. The KWHL has not yet been completed for the L component as the students are still working with the unit. 2.1 (High) Candidates are familiar with a wide range of childrens, young adult, and professional literature in multiple formats and languages to support reading for information, reading for pleasure and reading for lifelong learning. 3.4 (medium+) Candidates use evidencebased action research, to Conduct a review of professional literature that the secondary and elementary libraries subscribe to. Also review databases that would be appropriate for professional use by faculty and search for others that could be suggested as future additions. Conducted a review of the professional resources we have in both libraries. See attached

I want to make use of the materials from this grad program as well as this site to gather a record of the work done in and through the library:

Created a newsletter that gives an overview of the work we are doing here in the elementary library. It discusses collaborative

collect data it/BeginToday.html Also, tie back to collaborative project.

units that have been conducted this year across all elementary grades. See attached

3.4 (medium+) Candidates interpret and use data to create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries. 4.3 (medium+) Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library programs impact on student academic achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. 4.3 (medium+) Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts. 5.4 (High) Candidates make effective use of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their diverse communities.

A review of the year will be created to show what we are doing in the library. This will include some analysis of collection data.

Review of the year is included in the newsletter listed above

Compile a presentation that shows the research that already exists with our principals and faculty as part of a year-in-review. This will address areas where the library is involved with collaboration.

See newsletter discussed above as well as the Read-Aloud brochure

This will also be communicated in our year-end review presentation to principals and faculty. Ill add other published evidencebased research to support our stance on how strong library programs support educational efforts.

See Year-End Newsletter And Read-Aloud brochure

Complete an analysis of our collection in relation to the needs of the community. Assist in the writing of a three-year strategic plan for the library department.

I met on several occasions with the HS librarian and the Director of the program to help develop a 3 year strategic plan for the libraries. Also, spent time looking at our need for more materials in languages other than English. With the help of some parent volunteers we are putting together a list for books written in Dutch that we are hoping to purchase for next school year, or sooner if we

get funds. We are trying to build the World Languages part of the collection to meet the needs of our many non-English speaking students.

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