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Direct Memory Access ( DMA )

All internal registers and memory locations are accessible via the serial port using the following set of instructions. Access is enabled in all modes of operation except when set to receive or transmit files in the Data Link mode. Read from Memory R$xxxxxx ( Read ) Reply is always a long word (32 bits) in hex. Any selection of a particular byte or word must be done by the receiver. xxxxxx denotes a 6 digit address in hex. This address is internally saved and used for a following D$ command. Example: R$400A00 = X - axis position ( Dump ) Reply is the next following long word.


Write to Memory W$xxxxxx,nn ( Write ) Write one byte to memory location xxxxxx. The address must always be a 6 digit hex number. Data is a 2 digit hex number. Write one word to memory location xxxxxx. The address is a 6 digit number, data is a 4 digit hex number.


W$xxxxxx,nnnnnnnn Write a long word to memory location xxxxxx. The address is a 6 digit hex number, data is more than 4, maximal 8 digits. Missing leading digits are replaced by 0s. In all cases the next following address is internally stored and used for a F$ command.

F$nn F$nnnn or F$nnnnnnnn

( Fill ) Writes to the next following address after a W$ command. If the previous write command was for byte the incremented address is = address + 1. If it was a word write the address is = address + 2 and for a longword write command the new address is = address + 4.

Multiprocessor Controls In a dual processor system ( e.g. M578 ) the above commands apply to the A-system. If the $-character is replaced by ~ the commands apply to the B-system. In this case access is restricted to RAM memory locations, because DMA uses the internal communication channel which is limited to data alterable memory. Example: R~400900 reads the operation mode register in the subsystem

In systems with more than one subsystem (B-system) a code in location $4010FC determines the system to be accessed. A write (Byte) sets the subsystem. A 1 denotes subsystem no. 1, a 2 denotes subsystem no.3 etc. Example: W$4010FC,02 R~407000 set subsystem 2 reads the status register of the first process in the 2nd subsystem.

Address Maps Address maps are different for every type of control. Contact ANC for publications of the relevant control system stating software number and version.

ANC Letchworth November 1997

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