Inside Document Um Work Flow

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Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Inside Documentum Workflow

Gladys Pang


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow and Lifecycle

Building a complex workflow

Simple workflow Path selection Dynamic performer

Advanced Features
Automated activities Distributed workflow

Workflow and Lifecycle

Lifecycle procedures


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Documentum Workflow
Mechanism to model a business process A network of tasks performed by a user or the system Flow of data from task to task Logic that governs the sequence of tasks
Engr. Approval Publish Mktg. Approval


Dept. Review

You can use Workflow to model a business process. Workflow is task centric. As in the example, there are Edit, Review, etc. You can define tasks to be performed by user manually or by the system automatically. For example, you can make Publish an automatic task. You can send different numbers of document in a workflow. You can set up the logic in the workflow to control the flow of the tasks. As in the Approval tasks, the next task can be forwarded to Publish or rejected to Edit.


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Documentum Lifecycle
Mechanism to specify the location, security, ownership and other policies that govern the document in each phase of its existence Modeled as a sequence of states and the transitions between them
Entry Criteria Actions Post Actions



Publish Withdrawn


Lifecycle is document centric. Lifecycle is used to control the location, security, ownership etc for different phases of the document. To use Lifecycle, you define phases or states for a document. In each state the document has different control parameters such as location, permission and ownership. You use Lifecycle to control the transition of the states and therefore the document's control parameters. You can define transition tests and actions to be run as Entry Criteria, Action, or Post Action during the state transition.


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow And Lifecycle

A document can only have one Lifecycle at a given time It can participate in many Workflow processes Lifecycle allows us to factor out the document policy from the business process Lifecycle and Workflow often work in conjunction to produce the desired system behavior Lifecycle Workflow

A document can only have one Lifecycle at a given time. But it can participate in many Workflow processes. Lifecycle allows us to factor out the document policy from the business process. Lifecycle and Workflow often work in conjunction to produce the desired system behavior. We will go through this in more detail in the Workflow and Lifecycle topic which comes in later of the presentation.


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow Model
Process Design and Definition

Workflow Manager

Build Time

Workflow Templates
Run Time Process Instantiation and Control

Server Workflow Engine

Interaction with Users and Application Tools

Applications and IT Tools

This is a high level picture for DCTM workflow model. We have Workflow Manager to create the Workflow definition which is called workflow template. At runtime we create a workflow instance which refers to the workflow template. The server workflow engine controls the flow logic according to the workflow definition in the workflow template. User performs on the tasks through the client application. Or the task itself be performed by some applications.


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow Enactment
Workflow Manager Workflow Template
Interpreted by


Workflow Control Data

Server Workflow Engine

Administration and Control



Through method invocation


Task List Client's Inbox and Task Manager




Here we have a closer look at the Workflow functional components.Starting from the top, we have Workflow Manager which is used to create workflow template. Workflow template can also reference alias set and LDAP integration in its definition. Coming to the center of the diagram is the workflow runtime control. In the center is the Server Workflow Engine, maintained by Workflow Supervisor. It controls automated aspect of the business process The Workflow Engine references the the routing document (content). The Workflow Engine also maintains a set of workflow control data. It is used to control the processing of the existing tasks and to determine the next tasks. Going down to the bottom of the picture, task list is created for manual tasks. In this case, performer receives the task in the Inbox. He completes the task through the Task Manager interface of the client. For automatic tasks, the Workflow Engine will invoke the applications directly. Here the applications can talk to the Workflow Engine through server methods and/or DFC.


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Object Model And Relationship

is defined in a

Business Process
used to create and manage

is managed by

Workflow Template
Process Definition

Workflow Instance
Workflow Instance

composed of two or more

include one or more during execution is represented by

Activity Definition

Work Item
dmi_workitem dmi_

associate with

associate with one or more

Queue Item
dmi_queue_item dmi_queue_item

dmi_package dmi_package

Here is the object model in DCTM server. * Business Process - what is intended to happen * On the left is the Design Time Definition. Workflow Template is defined by - Process Definition - dm_process, representation of whats intended to happen - Activity Definition - dm_activity, representation of whats intended to achieve at a logical step * On the right is the Run Time Management - Workflow Instance - dm_workflow, controls automated aspect of the business process and record runtime information of workflow - Task - record run time information of activity - Work Item - dmi_workitem, task allocated to task performers - Queue Item - dmi_queue_item, peer item for work item for querying in Inbox - Package - dmi_package, references documents and comments routed among task


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Client Object Model And Relationship

queries for

Queue Item
dmi_queue_item dmi_queue_item


Work Item

Task Manager

associate with

dmi_workitem dmi_

associate with one or more

Queue Item
dmi_queue_item dmi_queue_item

dmi_package dmi_package

Here is the object model in DCTM client. * Inbox - provides a list of tasks you are responsible for * Task Manager - provides details of a task and allows user to perform the task


Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Concepts Building a Workflow
Simple Workflow Path Selection Dynamic Performer

Advanced Features Workflow and Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Building A Simple Workflow

Approve Activity - allow delegate and repeat; require sign off

1) Basic process of building a workflow * Log on the Workflow Manager. * Drag and drop the activity from template to the drawing panel * Connect the activities using the flow tool * Set the parameters in Activity Inspector and Flow Inspector * Save, validate and install the workflow template 2) Build a simple workflow * Start with a simple linear workflow template that contains signoff, repeat, and delegate * Template detail: Approve - allow delegate and repeat, require sign off



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Activity Inspector

Building A Simple Workflow

1) Basics of the Performer tab * Performer information * Delegate, reassign, and signoff information 2) Set Approve task for delegate, repeat, and signoff * Select the Approve activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Performer tab * Check the appropriate check boxes



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Flow Inspector

Building A Simple Workflow

1) Basics of the Package tab * Package information * Port/link definition 2) Add the package to the flows * Multi-select all the flows * Bring up the Flow Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Packages tab * Add new package * You can change to an optional package from the Version column * Check apply to all selected check box * Apply



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Start Workflow

Running A Simple Workflow

1) Invoke Start Workflow * Log on to Desktop Client * Navigate to the installed workflow template * Invoke Start Workflow by double click or Open menu item 2) Start Workflow Component * Add package * Add comment and define who to send the comment to



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Start Workflow

Running A Simple Workflow

(1) Start with workflow template (2) Create workflow instance (3) Execute workflow
dm_activity Submit dm_activity Review dm_activity Approve dm_activity Publish


dm_workflow ----------------------dormant running

Whats happening during Start Workflow 1) Start with workflow template * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) Create workflow instance * Create a dm_workflow object * dm_workflow points to the workflow template dm_process * Save dm_workflow * dm_workflow is in Dormant state 3) Run the workflow * Execute dm_workflow * dm_workflow is in Running state



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Start Workflow

Running A Simple Workflow

dm_activity Submit dm_process

Add package to start activities



dmi_workitem Submit -----------------dormant dmi_queue_item Submit dmi_package Submit - Doc A dm_note comment

Inbox --------- Submit

Whats happening when add package to the workflow 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process * dm_workflow is in Running state 3) Adding package to workflow triggers the start activities * Workflow receives the package * Required packages of the start activities are fulfilled, ready to start * Workflow engine creates the task objects: The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task is in Dormant state 4) Task in Inbox * Client Inbox queries dmi_queue_item for the user



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow Runtime States

Workflow termination criteria is met Initial state





Halt Restart

Resume Abort




This diagram shows the the workflow states and the related API calls. API calls are in italic. Initially workflow is in Dormant state. Once execute, its in Running state. If the workflow runs smoothly to the end, it goes to Finished state. If there are any error during the execution of the workflow, it becomes Halted state. You can continue the workflow by restart or resume. At any time, you can abort the workflow and it changes to Terminated state.



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Start Workflow Use IDfWorkflowBuilder in DFC

' Create IDfWorkflowBuilder object. Set wfBuilder = session.newWorkflowBuilder(processId) ' Save workflow. wfBuilder.initWorkflow ' Set the workflow to run. wfBuilder.runWorkflow ' Add package to each start activity. docIdList.appendId docObjId wfBuilder.addPackage activityNameStr, portNameStr, pkgNameStr, pkgTypeStr, noteText, notePersistent, docIdList

Running A Simple Workflow

A more complete example for start workflow:

' Create IDfWorkflowBuilder object. Set wfBuilder = session.newWorkflowBuilder(processId) ' Save workflow only once. wfBuilder.initWorkflow ' < Any alias set thing goes here. Not covered in presentation. > ' Set the workflow to run. wfBuilder.runWorkflow ' < Set dynamic performer here. Will be covered in later slides. > ' Get start activities and their names to IDfList objects. ' So now we can find out the packages for the start activities. Set actList = wfBuilder.getStartActivityIds() Set actNameList = wfBuilder.getStartActivityNames() ' Find the number of packages. pkgCount = activity.getPackageCount() ' Get all the packages and insert the INPUT type pkgs For pkgIndex = 0 To (pkgCount - 1) If activity.getPortType(pkgIndex) = "INPUT" Then ' We have an INPUT package ' Retrieve all the relative data for setting package info. pkgName = activity.getPackageName(pkgIndex) pkgLabel = activity.getPackageLabel(pkgIndex) pkgType = activity.getPackageType(pkgIndex) ' Add package to each start activity. docIdList.appendId docObjId wfBuilder.addPackage activityNameStr, portNameStr, pkgNameStr, pkgTypeStr, noteText, notePersistent, docIdList Next pkgIndex Next actIndex ' Add document to each package in the start activities For actIndex = 0 to (actList.getCount() - 1) ' Find activity object_id and activity name in the template. Set actId = sActivities.getId(actIndex) actName = sActivityNames.getString(actIndex) Set activity = session.getObject(actId)



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Complete Task

Running A Simple Workflow

1) Navigate to Inbox * Log on to Desktop Client * Navigate to Inbox 2) Invoke Task Manager * Select task in the Inbox Task is in Dormant (ready) state * Invoke Task Manager by double click or Open menu item 3) Task Manager Component * Task information * Document information and action * Comment reviewing, adding, deleting * Finish or reassign (delegate) 4) Finish Dialog of Task Manager * Finish the task or also have someone else repeat the task * Signoff requirement



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Complete Task
(1) Task in Inbox (2) Acquire task (3) Complete task

Running A Simple Workflow

dm_activity Approve dm_process


dmi_workitem Approve -----------------dormant acquired finished dmi_queue_item Approve dmi_package Approve-DocA dm_note

Inbox --------- Approve

Whats happening when perform task in Inbox 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Task in Inbox * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task is in Dormant state 4) Open task in Task Manager * Task Manager acquires the task automatically * Task is in Acquired state 5) Finish task in Task Manager * Task Manager finishes the task * Task is in Finished state * Task is dequeued from Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Complete Task
Create next task (task transition)

Running A Simple Workflow

dm_activity Publish dm_process


dmi_workitem dmi_queue_item Approve Approve dmi_package Approve - DocA dm_note dmi_workitem Publish -------------dormant dmi_queue_item Publish dmi_package Publish - DocA Inbox --------- Publish

Whats happening when server finishes one task and creates the next task 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process * Workflow records the previous task is finished * Workflow Engine creates the new task and points to the new task 3) Previous task * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task is in Finished state * Task objects hangs around 4) Next task * The task objects contains: new dmi_workitem, new peer dmi_queue_item, new dmi_package to hold the document, existing dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task is in Dormant state * Task appears in Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Work Item Runtime States






Restart WF:Halt


Resume/ Reassign

Restart WF:Halt

D/A/P Paused



This diagram shows the the work item states and the related API calls. API calls are in italic. Initially work item is in Dormant state. Once acquired, it goes to Acquired state. If the work item completes, it becomes Finished. If there are any error during the execution of the work item, it becomes Paused state. You can continue the work item by resume. If at any time the workflow containing the work item is halted, the work item becomes DPaused, APaused, or PPaused depending on the original state of the work item. Once get into D, A, or P Paused state, the work item will go back to its original state only if the workflow is restarted.



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Complete Task

Running A Simple Workflow

' Acquire work item (IDfWorkitem) to accept task. If (witem.getRuntimeState() = 0) Then ' 0 = dormant witem.acquire End If ' Sign off if needed. If (witem.isSignOffRequired() = TRUE) Then witemPersistenObj.signoff userOSNameStr, passwdStr, "signoff task" End If ' Finish the task. witem.complete

Use IDfWorkitem in DFC

A more complete example for complete task:

' Show the attached documents in the task. ' Get all the associated packages into IDfCollection collection Set collection = m_workItem.getPackages("") While (collection.Next()) Set typeObject = collection ' Attached documents are stored in r_component_id. docCount = typeObject.getValueCount("r_component_id") ' Some information about the package. packageName = typeObject.getString("r_package_name") packageObjId = typeObject.getString("r_object_id") For docIndex = 0 To (docCount - 1) Set docObjId = typeObject.getRepeatingId( "r_component_id", docIndex) Set docObj = session.getObject(docObjId) docObjType = docObj.getString("r_object_type") Next docIndex Wend collection.Close Set collection = Nothing ' Acquire the work item (IDfWorkitem) to accept the task. If (witem.getRuntimeState() = 0) Then ' 0 = dormant witem.acquire End If ' Delegate the task to user or group if necessary. If (witem.isDelegatable() = TRUE And chooseToDelegate) Then witem.delegateTask(delegateUserNameStr) ' Done with the task - So exit function here. Exit Sub End If ' < Set dynamic performer here. Will be covered in later slides. > ' < Set next activities here. Will be covered in later slides. > ' Sign off if needed. If (witem.isSignOffRequired() = TRUE) Then witemPersistenObj.signoff userOSNameStr, passwdStr, "signoff task" End If ' Repeat the task if necessary. If (witem.isRepeatable() = TRUE) Then ' Add user names to the IDfList userNameList. userNameList.appendString userName witem.repeat(userNameList) End If ' Finish the task. witem.complete



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Delegate Task
(1) Task in Inbox (2) Acquire task (3) Delegate task

Running A Simple Workflow

dm_activity Approve dm_process


dmi_workitem dmi_workitem Approve Approve ----------------------------------acquired dormant dormant Manager David Martin

dmi_queue_item dmi_queue_item dmi_queue_item Approve Approve Approve ------------------------------------Manager David David Manager Martin dm_note Inbox (David) (David) Inbox (Martin) ---------------------------- Approve Approve Approve

dmi_package Approve-DocA

Whats happening when delegate task in Inbox 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Open Task in Task Manager from Inbox * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 4) Reassign task in Task Manager * Workflow Engine changes the performer name in dmi_workitem and dmi_queue_item * Task reset to Dormant state * Task removes from original performer Inbox and appears in the new performer Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Repeat Task
(1) Task in Inbox (2) Acquire task (3) Repeat task (4) Complete task

Running A Simple Workflow

dm_activity Approve dm_process

dm_workflow dmi_workitem Approve ---------------David, Acquired Dormant David, Complete Martin, Dormant

dmi_queue_item Approve -------------David dmi_package Approve - DocA dm_note dmi_queue_item Approve -------------Martin

Inbox (David) Inbox (David) Inbox (Martin) --------------------------------------- Approve Approve

Whats happening when repeat task in Inbox 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Open task in Task Manager from Inbox * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 4) Repeat and finish task in Task Manager * Workflow Engine marks the original performer done with the task * Workflow Engine adds the new performer name to the dmi_workitem and creates new dmi_queue_item for the new performer * Task removes from original performer Inbox and appears in the new performer Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Concepts Building a Workflow
Simple Workflow Path Selection Dynamic Performer

Advanced Features Workflow and Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Adding Path Selection

Transition logic at Submit and Review Trigger logic at Revise Archive will wait on an event notification before it starts

Adding Peer Review such that multiple persons can review the document. Adding multiple Approve so that there can be multiple persons to sign off. Adding Archive activity. Changing the basic workflow template to multiple paths with decision logic for trigger and transition 1) Activities * Transition logic at Submit and Review Allow the performer of Submit and Review to determine the next tasks * Trigger logic at Revise Allow Revise to start when any of the previous activity has finished * Archive will wait on an event for notifying Publish is done before it starts 2) Flows * Reject flow from Review to Revise



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Setting Transition Condition

Adding Path Selection

1) Basics of the Transition tab * Determine what to do when the task is completed * Transition types: - all - all next tasks will be started - manual transition - performer chooses the next tasks (forward or reject) - auto transition - server picks the next tasks based on the condition defined 2) Set Submit task for manual transition * Select the Submit activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Transition tab * Check the appropriate radio button



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Setting Trigger Condition

Adding Path Selection

1) Basics of the Trigger tab * Determine when to start this task * Trigger conditions: - all - all previous tasks are done - some - certain number of previous tasks are done - event - the task will not start until a certain event arrives * Number of times the activity can run 2) Set Revise task for manual transition * Select the Revise activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Trigger tab * Check the appropriate radio button and specify 1 input



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Reject Path

Adding Path Selection

There is no build-in reject path as compared to router. So you have to add the reject paths explicitly. 1) Set Review task for manual transition * Select the Review activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Transition tab * Check the appropriate radio button



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Event Trigger

Adding Path Selection

1) Set Archive task for event transition * Select the Archive activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Trigger tab * Check the wait on event check box and specify an event name



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Select Next Tasks

Managing Path Selection

1) Navigate to Inbox * Log on to Desktop Client * Navigate to Inbox 2) Invoke Task Manager * Select task in the Inbox * Invoke Task Manager by double click or Open menu item * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 3) Finish Dialog of Task Manager * Finish the task by selecting the next activities



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Select Next Tasks

(1) Acquire task as usual (2) Select next tasks (3) Complete task as usual

Managing Path Selection

dm_activity Revise dm_activity Review dm_activity Approve1


dm_activity Approve2


dmi_workitem Review -------------Next Task = Revise dmi_queue_item Review dmi_package Review - DocA

Inbox --------- Review

Whats happening during select next tasks 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Open task in Task Manager from Inbox * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 4) Select next tasks and finish * Workflow Engine marks the selected next tasks to the current work item * Task Manager finishes the task * Task is in Finished state * Task is dequeued from Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Select Next Tasks

Managing Path Selection

' Acquire work item (IDfWorkitem) to accept task. If (witem.getRuntimeState() = 0) Then ' 0 = dormant witem.acquire End If Determine transition type. If (witem.isManualTransition() = TRUE) Then ' Get the activity and add it to the IDfList of next acts. outList.append activityObj ' Add the forward/reject activities to the output. witem.setOutputByActivities outList End If ' Finish the task. witem.complete

Use IDfWorkitem::setOutput in DFC

A more complete example with select output path:

' Acquire the work item (IDfWorkitem) to accept the task. If (witem.getRuntimeState() = 0) Then ' 0 = dormant witem.acquire End If ' < Set dynamic performer here. Will be covered in later slides. > 'Determine transition type. If (witem.isManualTransition() = TRUE) Then ' Get the possible forward activities into IDfList. Set forwardActObjs = witem.getForwardActivities() ' Get the rejectable activities into IDfList. Set rejectActObjs = witem.getRejectActivities() ' Loop the forward and reject activities and ' decide which paths to take. ' Get the activity and add it to the IDfList of next acts. outList.append activityObj ' Add the forward/reject activities to the output. witem.setOutputByActivities outList End If ' Sign off if needed. If (witem.isSignOffRequired() = TRUE) Then witemPersistenObj.signoff userOSNameStr, passwdStr, "signoff task" End If ' Repeat the task if necessary. If (witem.isRepeatable() = TRUE) Then ' Add user names to the IDfList userNameList. userNameList.appendString userName witem.repeat(userNameList) End If ' Finish the task. witem.complete



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Trigger And Transition Settings

(1) Determine next tasks: - All, manual or auto transition (2) Trigger conditions of next tasks (3) Task transition

Managing Path Selection

(1)Transition Condition: All, Manual, Auto?

dm_activity Current

dm_activity Next


dmi_workitem Current dmi_queue_item ----------Current dmi_package finished Current dmi_workitem Next dmi_queue_item ----------Next dormant dmi_package

(2)Fulfill Trigger Conditions?

(3)Create New Task


Inbox --------- Next

Whats happening during task transition and triggering 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) The current task is finished * Task is in Finished state * Check the corresponding activity definition * Determine if the transition is all, manual, or auto * Find out the next task based on the transition conditions 4) Before creating the next task * Check the corresponding activity definition * Determine if the trigger conditions are fulfilled: number of previous finished tasks, wait on event * Workflow Engine waits if the trigger conditions are not fulfilled 5) Create the new task



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Send Event to Workflow

Function MyPublishApplication Publish Job here

Managing Path Selection

Use IDfSession::queue in DFC

Set sysObject = workflowObject Set queueId = sysObject.queue(toUserName, eventNameStr, priorityInt, sendMailBool, dueDate, messageStr) ... End Function

This wait on event mechanism is useful when you have a task that has to be performed externally to DCTM system. You will have a task (Publish) to notify the external agent and then finish to the next task. It will be the next task to wait for the finish event of the external agent. The external agent will perform its operation. When the external agent is done with the task, it simply notifies the workflow by sending a finish event. Once the workflow receives the event, the next task (Archive) will be triggered.



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Concepts Building a Workflow
Simple Workflow Path Selection Dynamic Performer

Advanced Features Workflow and Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Dynamic Performer Selection

Submit chooses performer of PeerReview Performer for Approve will be the manager of the performer of Review

Changing Peer Review and Review from multiple to one activity. Changing their performers to be assigned dynamically. Changing the multi-path workflow template to single path with dynamic performer 1) Activities * Peer Review (performer to be chosen in Submit) Submit task performer will choose some users to perform on Peer Review * Review (performer to be resolved from previous task performer) Review will be performed by Revise performers manager



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Peer Review

Dynamic Performer Selection

1) Basics of the Select Performer Wizard * performer types * Performer values: - Real user name - To be picked at runtime by some previous activities - To be resolved from alias set of document or previous performer 2) Set Peer Review performer to be select at runtime by Submit * Select the Peer Review activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Performer tab * Select Some Users from Group * Select to be assigned at runtime in activity Submit * Next to select a default group name * Define a real default group name



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Managing Dynamic Performer

1) Navigate to Inbox * Log on to Desktop Client * Navigate to Inbox 2) Invoke Task Manager * Select task in the Inbox * Invoke Task Manager by double click or Open menu item * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 3) Finish Dialog of Task Manager * Select performers for Peer Performer task * Choose any number of users from the predefined group * Finish task



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Managing Dynamic Performer

(1) Acquire task as usual (2) Select dynamic performers (3) Complete task as usual
dm_process --------------Submit->PeerReview dm_activity Submit dm_activity PeerReview

dm_workflow ---------------dm_workflow PeerReview - UserA PeerReview - UserB

dmi_workitem Submit dmi_queue_item Submit dmi_package Submit - DocA Inbox --------- Submit

Whats happening during select dynamic performers 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Open task in Task Manager from Inbox * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, peer dmi_queue_item, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * Task changes from Dormant to Acquired state 4) Select dynamic performer * Workflow Engine marks the selected performers for Peer Review in dm_workflow object 5) Finish task * Task Manager finishes the task * Task is in Finished state * Task is dequeued from Inbox



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Managing Dynamic Performer

Task transition when using dynamic performer
dm_process --------------Submit->PeerReview dm_activity Submit dm_activity PeerReview

dm_workflow ---------------PeerReview - WriterGreen PeerReview - WriterCooley

dmi_workitem PeerReview dmi_queue_item ------------dmi_package PeerReview WriterGreen PeerReview DocA dmi_workitem PeerReview dmi_queue_item -------------dmi_package PeerReview WriterCooley PeerReview DocA

Inbox (WriterGreen) ---------------Inbox (WriterCooley) PeerReview --------------- PeerReview

Whats happening during task transition using dynamic performer 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) The next task is determined * See detail in Task Transition for Trigger and Transition in previous slides 4) Before creating the next task * Check the corresponding activity definition * Determine if the performer is determined dynamically * Workflow Engine reads the performer selection from dm_workflow object 5) Create the new tasks



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Managing Dynamic Performer

Using IDfWorkflow::setPerformers in DFC
' Acquire the work item (IDfWorkitem) to accept the task. If (witem.getRuntimeState() = 0) Then ' 0 = dormant witem.acquire End If ' Set dynamic performer if required. nameList.appendString performerName workflow.setPerformers actName, nameList ' Finish the task. witem.complete

A more complete example for displaying dynamic performer to choose from:

' Find the act_choose_by entries for the current activity name. actChooseCount = process.getActChooseByCount() For actChooseIndex = 0 To actChooseCount - 1 actChooseBy = processObj.getActChooseBy(actChooseIndex) If (StrComp(actChooseBy, currActivityName) = 0) Then actChooseFor = processObj.getActChooseFor(actChooseIndex) ' Find the "select from" group value. It's the performer_name ' in the activity object. If it's an alias name, need to resolve ' alias to figure out the group value. ' Obtain the activity object. Set processPersistentObj = processObj locateIndex = processPersistentObj.apiGet("locate", "r_act_name," & currActivityName) Set actObjId = processObj.getActivityDefId(locateIndex) Set actObj = session.GetObject(actObjId) ' Find out the performer type and name for the activity. perfType = actObj.getPerformerType groupValue = actObj.getPerformerName End If Next actChooseIndex ' Find out the default group if choosing for "some users from group". If (perfType = 8 And InStr(groupValue, "%") = 1) Then ' Need to check if the default group is an alias name ' Then resolve alias before setting it. ' Try to resolve the alias. Set wfPerObj = workflow groupValue = session.resolveAlias(wfPerObj.getObjectId(), groupValue) End If defaultPerfGroup = groupValue ' Find out the user should choose "one or more user values" ' or a group value. If (perfType = 3) Then ' 3 = specific user chooseType = CHOOSE_SINGLE_USER_FROM_ALL_USERS ElseIf (perfType = 4) Then ' 4 = all users in group chooseType = CHOOSE_SINGLE_GROUP_FROM_ALL_GROUPS ElseIf (perfType = 5 Or perfType = 6) Then ' 5,6 = single user in group chooseType = CHOOSE_SINGLE_GROUP_FROM_ALL_GROUPS ElseIf (perfType = 8) Then ' 8 = some users in group chooseType = CHOOSE_ANY_FROM_DEFAULT_GROUP End If ' Provide interface for user to choose the dynamic performers.



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Performer Alias

Assume the user has alias set which contains the manager alias. 1) Basics of the performer alias options in Select Performer Wizard * Workflow initiator defines * Resolve from specific alias set * Resolve from documents alias set * Resolve from previous performers alias set 2) Set Review performer to be resolved at runtime from previous performers alias set * Select the Review activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Performer tab * Select Specific User * Select to be resolved from alias set at runtime * Next to select resolve from previous performer



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Managing Performer Alias

Task transition when using performer alias
dm_activity Revise dm_activity Review ----------------%manager resolved from prev perf



dmi_workitem Revise dmi_queue_item ------------WriterMary Revise dmi_package Revise - DocA dmi_workitem Review dmi_queue_item ---------------ManagerDavid Review dmi_package Review - DocA

dm_user WriterMary

dm_alias_set -------------------------manager = ManagerDavid

Inbox --------- Review

Whats happening during task transition using performer alias 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) The next task is determined * See detail in Task Transition for Trigger and Transition in previous slides 4) Before creating the next task * Check the corresponding activity definition * Determine if the performer is determined from alias set * Workflow Engine resolves the alias name to a real user or group according to the resolution setting 5) Create the new tasks



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Concepts Building a Complex Workflow Advanced Features
Automated Activities Distributed workflow

Workflow and Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Automatic Task
Publish and Archive become auto tasks

Publish and Archive become auto tasks

Changing Publish and Archive into automatic tasks 1) Activities * Publish and Archive Change to auto task to run workflow methods



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Adding Automatic Task

Assuming Publish will be done in the lifecycle Action during document promote ==> Publish = Promote in WF 1) Basics of the Performer tab in Auto Mode * Performer * Execution method * Execution result * Execution time how long the server should run the method before timing out * Error handling

2) Set Publish to automatic activity * Select the Publish activity * Bring up the Activity Inspector by double click, menu item, or toolbar * Go to Performer tab * Select perform automatically * Select user in Select Performer Wizard * Select Promote method, save result, 60 seconds, and stop execution (60 sec has to be between the min and max attribute values on dm_method)



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Managing Automatic Task

Automatic task
dm_process dm_activity Publish dm_method PublishMethod

No Queue Item for Automatic Task! dm_workflow dmi_workitem Publish dmi_package Publish - DocA

dm_sysobject Publish Execution Log

Inbox ----------

Whats happening during select dynamic performers 1) The usual workflow template objects * The workflow template objects: dm_process, a list of dm_activity objects 2) The workflow instance * dm_workflow which points to the workflow template dm_process 3) Automatic task is created * The task objects contains: dmi_workitem, dmi_package to hold the document, dm_note to hold the user comments if any * No peer dmi_queue_item * Task references its auto method 4) Executing automatic task * Workflow Engine runs the method defined in dm_activity * Method acquires and completes the task * Workflow Engine saves execution log and handles error according to the dm_activity definition



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Workflow Automatic Activities

Basic code structure
Sub MyAutoMethod(ByVal stub1 As String, ByVal docbase As String, _ ByVal stub2 As String, ByVal user As String, _ ByVal stub3 As String, ByVal workItemId As String, _ ByVal stub4 As String, ByVal ticket As String, _ ByVal stub5 As String, ByVal mode As String) ' Session connection. ... ' Get work item object. Set workItem = session.GetObject(clientX.getId(workItemId)) ' Acquire the work item. workItem.acquire ' Custom operations go here. ... ' Complete the workitem. workItem.complete End Sub

A more complete example for writing a workflow method:

Sub MyAutoMethod(ByVal stub1 As String, ByVal docbase As String, _ ByVal stub2 As String, ByVal user As String, _ ByVal stub3 As String, ByVal workItemId As String, _ ByVal stub4 As String, ByVal ticket As String, _ ByVal stub5 As String, ByVal mode As String) On Error GoTo MyAutoMethod_Error Dim clientX As Object 'dfclib.DfClientX Dim client As Object 'IDfClient Dim errorMsg as String Dim session As Object 'IDfSession Dim workItem As Object Dim workItemIdObj As Object ' Get a session. errorMsg = "Connecting to docbase" Set clientX = CreateObject("Documentum.Dfc") Set loginInfo = clientX.getLoginInfo() loginInfo.setUser user logininfo.setPassword ticket Set client = clientX.getLocalClient() Set session = client.getSharedSession(docbase, loginInfo, "WF_Auto_Method") Exit Sub MyAutoMethod_Error: Print errorMsg ' This message will go to the result log. dmExit (100) End Sub ' Acquire the work item only when mode = "0" for not restarting. If mode = "0" Then errorMsg = "Acquiring work item" workItem.acquire End If ' My custom operations go here. ' Complete the workitem. Assume there is only ' one output port for this task. errorMsg = "Completing work item" workItem.complete ' Get work item id object. errorMsg = "Getting work item id object" Set workItemIdObj = clientX.getId(workItemId) ' Get work item object. errorMsg = "Getting work item object" Set workItem = session.GetObject(workItemIdObj)



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Workflow Automatic Activities

Sample method
Promote Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

' (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 2001 ' WF_PromoteLifeCycle ' -- This method is used for Workflow. It acquires the work item, ' ' promotes all documents of the current work item, and completes the work item. ByVal user As String, ByVal stub3 As String, ByVal workItemId As String, _ ByVal stub4 As String, ByVal ticket As String, ByVal stub5 As String, ByVal mode As String) On Error GoTo PromoteLifeCycle_Error Dim clientX As Object 'dfclib.DfClientX Dim client As Object 'IDfClient Dim doc, docIdObj, packageCollection, session, workItem As Object Dim docIdStr, errorMsg, lifeCycleState as String Dim lifeCycleOverride, lifeCycleTestOnly as Boolean lifeCycleState = "" ' Promote to the next default state.

9/9/01 12:43

Sub PromoteLifeCycle(ByVal stub1 As String, ByVal docbase As String, ByVal stub2 As String, _

lifeCycleOverride = False lifeCycleTestOnly = False ' Get a session. Set clientX = CreateObject("Documentum.Dfc") Set loginInfo = clientX.getLoginInfo() loginInfo.setUser user logininfo.setPassword ticket Set client = clientX.getLocalClient() Set session = client.getSharedSession(docbase, loginInfo, "WF_Auto_Method") ' Get work item object. Set workItem = session.GetObject(clientX.getId(workItemId)) ' Acquire the work item only when mode = "0" for not restarting. If mode = "0" Then workItem.acquire End If ' Promote document life cycle for each document. Set packageCollection = workItem.getPackages("") While packageCollection.Next docIdStr = packageCollection.getString("r_component_id") Set docIdObj = clientX.getId(docIdStr) Set doc = session.GetObject(docIdObj) doc.promote lifeCycleState, lifeCycleOverride, lifeCycleTestOnly Wend packageCollection.Close ' Complete the workitem. Assume there is only one output port for this task. workItem.complete Exit Sub PromoteLifeCycle_Error: Print errorMsg dmExit (100) End Sub



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Workflow Automatic Activities

When there is an execution error in automatic task
Stop Execution - Task will be put in Paused state and reassigned to Workflow Supervisor Continue Execution - Task will be continued to the next task

What should a Workflow Supervisor do when error occurs

Check execution results Fix the problem Rerun the task!



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Workflow Automatic Activities

1) Navigate to Inbox * Log on to Desktop Client * Navigate to Inbox 2) Invoke Task Manager * Select task in the Inbox * Invoke Task Manager by double click or Open menu item * Notice the add-on to the instruction by the Desktop Client Task Manager 3) Finish task * Showing the execution log * Finish task by choosing either to - rerun the automatic method - no more human interaction - or, manually complete the task - get the normal Finish Dialog



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Concepts Building a Complex Workflow Advanced Features
Automated Activities Distributed workflow

Workflow and Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Distributed Workflow
route a foreign document route to a remote user

Federated environment
notion of home Docbase users, groups, types, and ACLs are known to all participating Docbases

Workflow definitions, workflow initiator, and all runtime objects are all in single Docbase Only queue item is replicated to users home Docbase

When a work item is assigned to a remote user, a work item and the peer queue item are generated in the Docbase where the process definition and the containing workflow reside. The notification agent for the source Docbase replicates the queue item in the users home Docbase. Using these queue items, the home Inbox connects to the source Docbase and retrieves all information necessary for the user to perform the work item tasks. A remote user must be able to connect to the source Docbase to work on a replicated queue item.



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Concepts Building a Complex Workflow Advanced Features Workflow and Lifecycle
Lifecycle Procedures



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Workflow And Lifecycle

A Document can have only lifecycle at a given time It can participate in many workflow processes Lifecycle allows us to factor out the document policy from the process Lifecycle and Workflow often work in conjunction to produce the desired system behavior Lifecycle Workflow



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Application 1

Workflow And Lifecycle

In Review Published Archived

Start WF






Example using document Lifecycle to drive Workflow process * When document is promoted from Author to In Review state, the state transition logic of In Review triggers to start workflow, providing the document as the content for the workflow * The workflow continues to Submit, Review, Approve and Publish * Publish invokes the promote Lifecycle method. The document is promoted to Published state from In Review state



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Application 2

Workflow And Lifecycle

In Review Published Archived

Promote S Submit




Auto Promote


Example using Workflow process to drive document Lifecycle * Starting from a workflow, after the document is submitted, workflow runs an automatic promote Lifecycle task on the document * Document is promoted from Author to In Review state * The workflow continues to Review, Approve and Publish * Publish invokes the promote Lifecycle method. The document is promoted to Published state from In Review state



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Lifecycle Transition
Entry Criteria Success?
Yes No

Start (Begin Transaction)

Change Lifecycle State Action Success?

Yes No

Post Action End (Commit Transaction)

End (Abort Transaction)

During the promote, server goes through a sequence of tests/standard actions/procedures as defined in a state of a Lifecycle. These steps are done in a transaction. For each state of a Lifecycle, there are Entry Criteria, Action, and Post Action. You can define the transition tests, standard actions and/or procedures for each of these steps in DDS. During a promotion, the Entry Criteria will be executed. If it fails, the transaction will be aborted and the promotion fails. If the Entry Criteria succeeds, the Lifecycle state of the document will be changed to the next state. And then the Actions will be executed. If it fails, the transaction will be aborted and the promotion fails. After Actions, the Post Actions will be executed and the transaction will be completed. The promotion does not depend on the result of the Post Actions.



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

9/9/01 12:43

Lifecycle Procedures
Sample procedure
launching Workflow from Lifecycle



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

' (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 2001 ' Sample_Lifecycle_StartWF ' -- This script launches the workflow Sample_WF_Lifecycle_Template ' with the document attached to this document life cycle. ' This function has to be called EntryCriteria. ' This is used in the Entry Criteria procedure of life cycle ' Sample_Lifecycle_For_WF. ' The returned value of EntryCriteria will be false if error ' is encountered; true, otherwise. Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionID As String, _ ByVal ObjectId As String, _ ByVal UserName As String, _ ByVal TargetState As String, _ ByRef ErrorStack As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo EntryCriteria_Error Dim clientX as Object 'dfclib.DfClientX Dim client as Object 'IDfClient Dim session as Object 'IDfSession Dim process as Object 'IDfProcess Dim wfBuilder as Object 'IDfWorkflowBuilder Dim docId, actId, processId as Object Dim act as Object 'IDfActivity 'IDfId Dim docIdList, actIdList, actNameList as Object 'IDfList Dim actCount, actIndex, pkgCount, pkgIndex as Integer Dim actName, portName, portType, pkgName, pkgLabel, _ pkgType, queryString as String ' Get a session. ErrorStack = "Getting session" Set clientX = CreateObject("Documentum.Dfc") Set client = clientX.getLocalClient() Set session = client.adoptDMCLSession(SessionID) ' Get the workflow template object id. ErrorStack = "Getting workflow template id" queryString = "dm_process where object_name = 'Sample_WF_Lifecycle_Template'" Set processId = session.getIdByQualification(queryString) ' Create workflow builder with corresponding process. ErrorStack = "Creating new workflow builder with process id = " + _ processId.toString() Set wfBuilder = session.newWorkflowBuilder(processId) ' Assume there is no performer aliasing in workflow. ErrorStack = "Initializing workflow" dfcVersion = clientX.getDFCVersion If InStr(1, dfcVersion, "4.1", 1) = 1 Then wfBuilder.initWorkflow ErrorStack = "Running workflow" wfBuilder.runWorkflow Else wfBuilder.startWorkflow ' For 4.0.X docbase End If ' Set package for workflow activities. ' Assume there is only one package going ' to all starting activities. ' Prepare the doc id list for add package. ErrorStack = "Creating document id list" Set docIdList = clientX.getList() Set docId = clientX.getId(ObjectId) docIdList.appendId docId

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' Find out start activities id and names. ErrorStack = "Getting workflow start activity ids" Set actIdList = wfBuilder.getStartActivityIds() ErrorStack = "Getting workflow start activity names" Set actNameList = wfBuilder.getStartActivityNames() ' For each start activity/package, add package. ErrorStack = "Looping start activities to add package" actCount = actIdList.getCount For actIndex = 0 To actCount - 1 ErrorStack = "Getting workflow start activity index =" _ + Str(actIndex) Set actId = actIdList.getId(actIndex) Set act = session.getObject(actId) actName = actNameList.getString(actIndex) pkgCount = act.getPackageCount() For pkgIndex = 0 To pkgCount - 1 portType = act.getPortType(pkgIndex) If portType = "INPUT" Then portName = act.getPortName(pkgIndex) pkgName = act.getPackageName(pkgIndex) pkgLabel = act.getPackageLabel(pkgIndex) pkgType = act.getPackageType(pkgIndex) ' Attach the current document. ErrorStack = "Adding package to activity=" + _ actName + ",pkgName=" + pkgName wfBuilder.addPackage actName, portName, _ pkgName, pkgType, _ "This is a note", False, _ docIdList End If Next pkgIndex Next actIndex ' Sucess and done. EntryCriteria = True Exit Function EntryCriteria_Error: ' Error handling. Print ErrorStack EntryCriteria = False End Function



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Documentum Developer Conference 2001

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Workflow features
Build a complex workflow Run workflow using DFC Server runtime object detail

Using Workflow and Lifecycle together



Documentum Developer Conference 2001

Workflow Teminology Activity (design time) - task definition, included in a workflow template Dynamic Performer (both design and run time) - performer to be defined at runtime Flow or Link (design time) - connects two activities Package (both design and run time) - design time - store the definition for the routing documents - run time - a placeholder to store the routing documents and comments Performer (both design and run time) - user or group who works on the task in workflow Performer Alias (both design and run time) - performer defined in an alias representation Port (design time) - part of the activity definition, placeholder for a link. From activitys point of view, it only sees ports but not links Task (run time) - a logical step of work in a workflow at runtime Workflow Instance (run time) - workflow at runtime Workflow Template (design time) - workflow definition set up at design time

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