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JOSE RAUL GUILLEN RUBIO 19D THE BEST HOLIDAYS OF MY LIFE My best holidays, probably, was when I went

to Greece with my family. We spend a week on Christmas of 2005. I was in an International Mission in Kosovo and I had a free week, them I could go to Greece, Macedonian or Bulgarian. I chose go to Athens, in Greece, because then journey between Huesca and Athens was easier. My wife looked for on internet a flight to go to there and a good hotel in the center city. I flew from Skope, capital of Macedonian. We met in airport of Athens and we went to hotel together. We remember Athens as a city very happy, very active. Every street had its Christmas decorations. There were a lot of free tourist attractions. We went sightseeing, we can say that we have been in the origin civilization; we have walked on the Acropolis. We have seen a lot of monuments. Christmas Eve we had dinner in a typical Greek restaurant, in the Placa Quarter, when a man played a piano. Christmas day we had lunch in the Pireo, the port of Athens; we found a good restaurant call Four Brothers, a little expensive but the fish was very fresh. The worst was when I should come back to Kosovo and my family should come back to Spain. We said goodbye in the airport but we didnt worry because I finish my mission in a month more or less.

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