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2 5. What are firewalls and proxy servers? Explain. 6. Write short notes on e-mail. 7. Explain WWW. 8.

Write about credit cards and debit cards. 9. What are the electronic store fonts? Explain. 10. Write short notes on digital libraries. SECTION B (3 20 = 60)

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441. E-COMMERCE ( Including Lateral Entry ) May ] [ Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks SECTION A (8 5 = 40)

Answer any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 11. Explain about the benefits of e-commerce. 12. Discuss in detail the various internet tools. 13. How are data and message security handled in e-commerce? Explain. 14. Explain about e-payment system. 15. Explain in detail about SCM.

Answer any EIGHT questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What is e-commerce? Explain. 2. Explain about e-commerce environment. 3. Explain the role played by the internet for effective business. 4. Write short notes on information dissemination. Turn Over

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