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Flight 714 - Marshal Island Tuchdown Max van Diepen

Cast of Characters Narrator: Peter: Matt: Plane Captain: Stewards: Reporter 1: Reporter 2: Mrs. Parker: Hijackers: Taxi Driver: Radio man:

FLIGHT 714 - MARSHAL ISLAND TUCHDOWN Scene 1: INT. PETERS HOUSE, EAVNING SOUND: CITY NOISES (VO) NARRATOR: Peter Thompson was sitting on his balcony in Hanoi, Vietnam, listening to the radio in the background. Peter was an expat, living in Hanoi since 11 years. Peter was an engineer, and did not have a wife and children. He was living in an apartment on the 20th floor, having a beautiful view of the city. He was now listening intently to the radio, but not because of the music. It was because the announcement about the lottery was coming soon. He had also bought a ticket. SOUND: CITY NOISES FADE OUT, RADIO FADE IN; LIGHT PIANO STAY 10 SEC. SLOWLY FADE OUT RADIO: And now, ladies and gentlemen of Hanoi, the person with the following lottery number has won the prize of $1,111,111! The number is: 13...24...35...46...5......7! Congratulations to the winner! Please come and collect your prize in cash at the radio station tomorrow! We are now moving on to some more music. SOUND: PIANO FADE IN (VO) NARRATOR: Peter jumped out of his chair, screaming out of delight. He had won the lottery! The next day he went to the radio station and collected his prize: $1,111,111 cash. And he knew what he was going to spend it on. Scene 2: INT., PETERS HALLWAY, AROUND MID-DAY NARRATOR: That same day, only what later, Matt West, a former commando in the US forces for quite some years, opened the door for his new neighbor, Peter.




MATT: Hello Peter. What are you doing here? PETER: Matt, I won the lottery yesterday, and I wanted to go on a trip. MATT: Well, then go. PETER: (UNSURE) Well, actually I, uh, wanted to ask you if, uh, you wanted to go on the trip with me. I mean, since you are my new neighbor, I figured MATT: Where were you planing on going? PETER: Hawaii. MATT: Well, lets go then. PETER: Great! The flight is tomorrow morning at 11:30. The weather there is warm, and humid. I will see you at the Taxi waiting in front of the apartment entrance at 8:00 in the morning tomorrow. MATT: Perfect! See you tomorrow.





TAXI DRIVER: Thank you sir. Save travels. Scene 4: INT. AIRPORT, 8:20 MORNING SOUND: (BACKGROUND) FLIGHT 564 TO BRISBANE AUSTRALIA IS NOW BOARDING (VO) NARRATOR: Once they entered the airport, passed passport control and the security check, they decided to go to a restaurant and have a cup of coffee. It was then still an hour until the flight, so they decided to meander to the gate, and sit there the remaining time. On their way, they saw two men at a bar, who seemed to be very nervous, and kept looking over their backs. MATT: Those two men look very suspicious to me Peter. I think we should inform the airport police. PETER: Oh Matt. Dont worry so much! It looks like it is your first flight! Intermission: MAN TALKING: Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now have a short intermission. The perfect time to get a tea with your Lipton tea bags. Tea for the World. MUSIC: JAZZ MUSIC (STAY FOR 40 SEC.) MAN TALKING: We will now resume with the play. Scene 5: INT. AIRPORT GATE, 10:30 MORNING GROUND STAFF (THROUGH MICROPHONE) Flight 714 to Honolulu Hawaii is now boarding at C21. We will now start to board rows 30-15.

4. Scene 6: INT. PLANE, 11:00 MORNING NARRATOR: Matt was seated in the 20th row, and Peter was in the 19th. They boarded the plane, and the two men who they saw earlier sat one row in front of Peter, still looking around very nervously. The plane started up and left on time, and about 30 minutes into the flight, the two men went to the bathroom. MATT: Weird. Very weird. PETER: Dont worry. This is probably their first flight. NARRATOR: Two minutes later, the two men came out of the bathrooms screaming: HIJACKERS: This is a hijack! Everyone stay seated! SOUND: PEOPLE SHOCKED AND WHISPERING (VO) NARRATOR: One of the hijackers ran to the cockpit, while the other stayed in the middle of the plane, looking over the passengers. In the cockpit, the hijacker said to the pilot: HIJACKER: (NERVOUS) You heared it captain! Were hijacking your plane! Fly us to Japan! NARRATOR: The captain turned the plane around, so that they were facing Japan. But what the Hijackers did not realize was that the captain was slowly turning the plane back to wards Hawaii. In the mean time, Matt was thinking about overthrowing the Hijackers, and he was not the only one. The stewards were also thinking about overthrowing the hijackers. STEWARDS: (WHISPERING) OK, so we get two pots of boiling waster, all the cutlery that we have, some drink carts. One of us will walk through the ile and offer the passengers tea. Someone else will be walking behind them with the cutlery and the cart. We then(CONTINUED)



HIJACKER: What are you talking about?! Be quiet and sit down! NARRATOR: Once the hijacker had left, they resumed disusing their plan. STEWARDS: (WHISPERING) What we then do once we are close to the first one is throw the water over him, throw the cutlery at him and let the cart roll. The second one will respond directly, but the second pot of water will land in his face. Got it? NARRATOR: Before they could bring their plan into action, the pilot had some bad news. CAPTAIN: Ladies and Gentlemen on this flight, we do not have enough fuel left. We will have to make a crash landing. Brace yourselves. NARRATOR: While panic broke out, the hijackers did not know what to do. But it was too late. The plane crashed. SOUND: BIG CRASH, PEOPLE SCREAMING, WOOD BURNING SCENE 7: EXT. MARSHAL ISLANDS, CRASH SITE, 12:30 AFTERNOON NARRATOR: The aftermath was disastrous. No one had seen the plane crash, and it looked as if no one could survive. Two days later, the police got a call from Mrs. Parker, telling them that a plane had crashed on the island where she had lived. The police responded immediately, and came to the site. Scene 8: EXT, MARSHAL ISLANDS, CRASH SITE, 2 DAYS LATER NARRATOR: The police, firemen and paramedics were on the site immediately. Mrs. Parker came rushing to them, asking tons of questions. She could just see a glimpse of someone being carried into an ambulance, followed by a second person. She started thinking about how someone could survive this kind of crash, but her thoughts were interrupted by a police officer. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: OFFICER: Mrs. Parker? Could I ask you some questions? MRS. PARKER: Of course.


NARRATOR: After the questioning, Mrs. Parker was arrested because she was found guilty of multiple murder. Three days later, Peter came to visit Mrs. Parker on her request. Scene 9: INT. JAIL, 3:45 AFTERNOON SOUND: JAIL DOOR SLAMMING SHUT MRS. PARKER: Peter, please sit down. I have a whole lot to tell you. PETER: What is it. I do not even know you. Why do you want to talk to me. MRS. PARKER: Peter, I already said this to the officers, but I am the one who planned the hijack. PETER: Well, its good that your in jail now. MRS. PARKER: I planned it because I wanted to kill you. A very long time ago, when I was 12, one of your family members was in a car accident with one of my relatives. It was your relatives fault, but he got away with it. And he survived the crash. My relative did not. I wanted revenge, and sought a way to get it, and this seemd a good way. But it failed. OFFICER: Your time is up mam. MRS. PARKER: (DESPERATE) Please forgive me Peter. Please! NARRATOR: In the plane crash, no one survived except for Peter and Matt. Peter had ribs broken, and a lot of other fractured bones. However, Matt was not so lucky. He was paralyzed from the knees down, and had to sit in a wheel chair. They did not resume their vacation in Hawaii, and returned to Hanoi. The two of them became good friends, and went on nearly all vacations together, but never again did they go by plane.

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