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Cylinder Volume

Cylinder Volume A Cylinder has a circular base. It can be of the shape of a pillar, a rubber tube, the trunk of a tree, etc. The term 'circular cylinder' is commonly used to describe aright circular cylinder. A right circular cylinder is a circular cylinder that has perpendicular base and height. The diagram shown below is of a right circular cylinder. Curved Surface Area of a Cylinder The curced surface area of a cylinder is given by the following formula, Curved Surface Area = 2 * * r * h, where, = 22/7 or 3.14 r = radius of the base circles of cylinder h = height of the cylinder Total Surface Area of a Cylinder Know More About Math help

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Curved Surface Area of a Cylinder The curced surface area of a cylinder is given by the following formula, Curved Surface Area = 2 * * r * h, where, = 22/7 or 3.14 r = radius of the base circles of cylinder h = height of the cylinder Total Surface Area of a CylinderBack to Top Total Surface Area = ( * r) + ( * r) + (2 * * r * h), where ( * r) = Area of the base circle (2 * * r * h) = Area of the curved surface of cylinder Solved Examples on Cylinders Given below are some of the examples on Cylinder Example 1: Find the curved surface area of the cylinder with height = 15 cm and radius of base circle = 5 cm. Solution: Given,

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Radius, r = 5 cm Height, h = 15 cm Area of curved surface, CSA = 2 * * r * h = 2 * 3.14 * 5 x 15 = 471 cm Example 2: Find the Total Surface Area of a cylinder whose height is 20 meters and radius of base circle is 2 meters. Solution: Given, Radius, r = 2 m Height, h = 20 m Total Surface Area of Cylinder, TSA = ( * r) + (* r) + (2 * * r * h) = (3.14 * 5) + (3.14 * 5) + (2 * 3.14 * 5 * 20) = 19719.2 m

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