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In Context Ministry Development

Developing a learning culture - where everybody does their best and loves to grow

Center on the learner

People annually identify their own fresh opportunities to serve and grow. People are actively involved in their learning and work around their specific interests and personal goals. Values people as equals. They can to voice their own opinions and to have a role in directing their own learning. values their life experiences and knowledge. move people along WATCH, PRACTICE, TEACH Growth Questions

where am I Bringing Passion? where am I Bearing Fruit? where am I Being Stretched?

Coach in the context

Whenever people take on new ministry experiences, they coach one another in the ministry context using a 5 minute post-experience reflection. people are able to apply their knowledge. values the context life-on-life learning right acting leads to right thinking modelling `mutuality - we grow together. I coach you, you coach me Reflection Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What do you think went well? Where did we see God at work? What is a growth area? How do you think we could work on this? Prayer of thanks

Content that is Timely

Content is shaped to be delivered in flexible, accessible, relevant ways. De-Centralised Flexible utilise multiple learning styles ensure newest people get the best teachers content delivery values practicing what preaching Content that is close to the source Timely - Staged to be relevant to the context - ie induction for new people / pastoral development / coaching Example - 3 minute training videos emailed/streamed to co-leaders to watch (?together), co-leaders find a time to discuss together implications for their ministry.

Implication Questions.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are we doing well? Where did we see God at work? What is a growth area? How can we work on this?

5. Prayer of thanks

Cluster for the big things

Bring all leaders together, a few times a year (?3) for core values training Inspiration - Communication of Vision, Values, Community, Prayer, Co-ordination - Core Programs less sessions, higher expectation

p123 - 125 Forgotten Ways
Notes how to make it fun Use the 70 20 10 rule 70% learn and develop through experience 20% learn and develop through others 10% learn and develop through structured programs Building a learning architecture we are trying to build a learning architecture / manage the ministryscape Manage the workscape (learning environments) focus on supporting the learning experience in the workplace focus on performance - Help people work smarter many channels - class, coaching, e learning performance and productivity focussed

- how can we get the learner to track their progress in a fun, game like way? Khan Academy - Watch, Practice, Coach

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