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1. Create Life plan: a. current status b. ideal life: how do you like c. your loves: what u love to do d.

skills and capacity: strength e. knowledge: experience f. your ideal work style: part/full time, online. In store g. manifesto: family h. key moves: create action 2. Choosing a business model: choosing one of these model a. home-based business: technology b. brick and mortar: rent/ buy space then have own communication c. e-commerce: online d. ebay e. franchising f. lisencing products g. MLM 3. Create a business plan a. your business idea: what you want to sell? Sell for whom.. b. your need c. best model: what you choose d. what different: compare to other competitor out there e. market size number and portion f. your role: specified g. your team: who are the people who work surround you when you defined your role h. how will they pay: how customers buy your products and pay for it (credit card, check, cash..) i. financing: how much you need (need to generate, operate, start up) and how much you earn j. sources of financing k. measuring success: measure business (do the right things for bus l. key milestone: establish to tract where you are and where you want to go (first profit has to be on that day) 4. Select a business structure: forms of ownership a. sole proprietorships: operate bus by your own. No double taxation b. corporation: c. partner ship: d. limited liability companies 5. Select a business assets: creating business asset, protect your idea a. website address: advertise b. trademarks : trade name, brand name c. copyrights d. investor log: e. confidentially 6. Find the funding: how d you get money to insure your bus a. bootstrapping: find and fund capital b. debt financing require 2yrs in bus c. grants: SPIR d. friends and family: treat with contract e. angel investor: wealthy investor f. factoring: buy g. venture capital: exchange for money

7. Organize logistics a. accountants/ lawyer: b. banking: relationship c. website developer: promote business d. IT expert: server, software, technology for communication e. Travel logistics: agency f. Merchant banking: PayPal,.. g. Real estate: own or lease, what real estate requirements are.. 8. Find great people: potential, skills a. form a superstar list: include people you need for ur bus, outstanding people that may someday with do important thing, keep in touch with them b. stock option: c. profit sharing d. bonuses e. recognition: highlight achievement, who work hard f. communication: make them feel included, are we do the right thing, talking g. find a mentor: navigate mine field of bus, identify mentor 9. Establish brand: create a brand that makes people wont forget, what people will think about ur brand a. the promise: expectation, what people expected, make sure cus b. differentiation: differ to be unit c. the personality: brand value d. focus on target: customize, what brand name will work e. brand name and logo f. domain name: check for availability g. touch points: advertisement, business card,multi color, big enough to catch attention from people 10. Market and sell: creating marketing plan a. your typical buyers: understand grapic, build infor to understand b. target customers: behavior, understand customers, how they buy, where do they buy c. Do they want it: who that person is in market place, make sure they want it before you sell it d. What will they pay: not only they want it, will they pay for amount we ask for it e. Where will they buy: knowing demographic, online or direct to meet transaction f. Total market size: who you able to reach, how big is your business g. Your distinctiveness: how you differ with other selling the same products, service. h. Grassroots marketing: create community online i. Public relations: announcement in public j. Affiliate marketing: send link on my website, send business card to other business for them to promote for you k. Online marketing: create online mktg for awareness. l. Traditional advertising: news paper, radio, tv,..

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