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Mourdock moves

into 48-38% lead

in Howey/DePauw
Poll; Lugars iconic
career in jeopardy
ard G. Lugar's iconic career of
elected public service appears
to be in great jeopardy. A
Howey/DePauw Indiana Battle-
ground Poll conducted Monday
and Tuesday of this week
shows that Lugar is trailing
Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock 48-38%
in the Republican Senate primary.
That head-to-head hgure includes
so-called "leaners," who could conceivably
change their minds in the hnal 72 hours of
the campaign. Without the leans, Mourdock
still leads 43-35%. Based on this survey data,
Howey Politics Indiana is moving the Senate
race into a Likely Mourdock category.
We may be witnessing a Hoosier ver-
sion of the last hurrah. Its been a Leans
Howey/DePauw: Senate upset likely
WASHINGTON - Republican primary voters in
!ndiana say they want a U.S. Senator to focus hrst on try-
ing to solve many of our countrys
problems, even if that means work-
ing with elected ofhcials across the
aisle to do it, (60%) versus a U.S.
Senator to focus hrst on stand-
ing up for conservative principles,
even if that means not working with
elected ofhcials across the aisle to
solve problems (30%).
Yet, on the cusp of the
May 8th election, they appear
Thoro nro vory sovoro doBcioncios in
ny opponont`s bnckground Ior tho
oIBco, stnrting with tho lnck oI nny
qunliBcntions thnt nro pnrticulnrly
visiblo, nny propnrntion Ior it, nny
undorstnnding oI how tho logislntivo
procoss works."
- U.S. Dick Lugar, talking about Richard Mourdock
Friday, May 4, 2012
V17, N33
Continued on page 3
Lugar" until the Narch 26-28 HoweyfDePauw
survey had Lugar leading Nourdock +2-35,
at which time HPI moved the Senate race into
The survey, conducted by Republican
pollster Christine Matthews of Bellwether
Research and Democratic pollster Fred Yang
of Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group, is based
on 700 likely voters with a +f- margin of error
at 3.7. The sample was made up of 76
Republican contradictions

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