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Board Members Present: Others Present: I. II. Blake Surbey, President Chris Cahill, Vice President Robert Somers, Secretary John Harlow, Treasurer


Chuck Vaughan, General Manager Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Board President Blake Surbey at 7:08 pm. Resident Forum A resident thanked Management for trimming the low hanging tree branches line the street along the 1750 block of Rhodes Street.


A resident asked that Management install signage on the trash room walls rather than on the trash cans because the current signage located on the cans is sometimes blocked by trash or not visible with the lids open. Reading and Approval of Minutes MOTION: Mr. Cahill Motioned to approve the February minutes with no corrections. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Harlow and carried unanimously.



Committee Reports Landscape The committee received a 5 year community landscaping plan for all but 2 courtyards which are expected to be received within a week. After reviewing the plans, it was the Boards consensus to approve plans by electronic evote prior to the April Board meeting. Website The committee chair reported that the background questions have been submitted to the website company and the conversion to the new website is in progress.

Minutes can be viewed on the Associations website at


Management Report

Colonial Village II March 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 2

Financial & Property Updates Management did not report on the Associations current financial position but provided year end financials electronically on March 16th. Management reported that the Associations total operating expenses were 9% under budget for the year. VI. Management reported on the statuses the following projects: roof evaluations, tuckpointing/lentil replacements, wrought iron painting and chimney projects at 1800 Key. Old Business Management was tasked will following up on: TASKS: MOTION: Have 8 roofs previously identified as requiring replacement reevaluated by a second roofing company. Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve Nova Paintings proposal in the amount of $4935 to paint all wrought iron throughout the property, contingent upon providing warranty information. Only wrought iron on Wilson Boulevard will be remain white and all other wrought iron throughout the property will be painted black. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Cahill, and carried unanimously.

VII. New Business It was the Boards consensus to defer discussion of flooring proposals and new resolutions recommended by Management until Aprils meeting. VIII.

Adjournment With no further business, Mr. Surbey Motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Cahill, and carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by: __________________________________ Robert Somers, Secretary Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary ____________________________________ Date

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, April 18 , 2012 CVII Meeting Room 1701 N. Troy Street

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