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Hindi Words

Devanagari Script

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day Night Week Month Year Second Minute Hour Morning Evening Noon Midnight Now

RaveevaaR somvaaR mangalvaaR budvaaR guRoovaaR shukRavaaR shaneevaaR kal aaj kal din Raat haftaa maheenaa saal doosRaa mint gantaa saveRey shaam dopeheR aadeeRaat ab


Hindi Words
baad mey

Devanagari Script

The following table contains important Hindi words about directions that you might use when lost. To Save this Page Press (CTRL D) or E-mail this Page! Free Translation English Hindi Expressions Devanagari Script

Above / Over After / Past Back / Behind Before / In front of / Forward Between Coordinates Degrees Down East Far Longitude Left Latitude My position is ___. Near North Northeast Northwest

oopaR baad peechey peheley / aagey beech samaan banaanaa digReez neechey pooRva dooR ashaanch baa-ey deychaanteR meyRaa staan ___ he paas ootaR ootaR pooRva ootaR pash-chim


Right South Southeast Southwest Straight ahead Under Up West

Hindi Expressions
daa-ey dachin dachin pooRva dachin pash-chim seedaa neechey oopaR pash-chim

Devanagari Script

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I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Hindi Words, to strengthen your vocabulary and expressions skills. Try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to chec

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