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73 mln US households have discretionary

About 73 mln US households now have discretionary income,
up from about 57 mln in 2002, according to The Conference
Board. The% of the US population with discretionary income
has increased to nearly 64%, up from 52% in 2002. Total
discretionary income in the US topped $1.7 trillion in 2006, with
the household average at $24,335. Per capita income stood at
$9,148. Nearly 78% of all discretionary income is held by
households earning more than $100,000. Average discretionary
income for this segment, $66,451, is 2.7 times the national
average. The region with the wealthiest concentration of
households is New England (including Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and
Vermont). About 63% of households have discretionary
income, with an average amount of $27,337. Household
discretionary income is lowest in the West North Central region
(including Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North
Dakota and South Dakota). Average household discretionary
income in this region is $20,749.

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