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* Program: VFP2MySQL_Data_Upload.prg * Author: Michael J.

Babcock, MCP * Date: 08-25-08 * Purpose: To upload the VFP data to the MySQL database. * Preconds: You might have to make sure the PK fields are NOT set to autoinc rement when this is run. Double-check that. * Comments: If you make any mods/improvements, please update the ProFox down loads page so we all benefit. Cheers! LOCAL liHandle as Integer, lcConnection as String, lcDBC as String, lcSQL as Str ing, lcTable as String, loRec as String, ; llSuccess as Logical, lcMsg as String LOCAL ARRAY laTables[1], laError[1] CLOSE DATABASES ALL SQLDISCONNECT(0) lcConnection = [DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=your-server-here;UID=root ;PWD=password;DATABASE=yourdb;option=131609] lcDBC = [c:\yourdatapath\yourVFPdb.DBC] SET PROCEDURE TO makeupdatable.prg && this is Paul McNett's jewel for easily mak ing cursors updatable for remote dbms liHandle = SQLSTRINGCONNECT(lcConnection) IF liHandle > 0 THEN OPEN DATABASE (lcDBC) NOUPDATE ADBOBJECTS(laTables,"TABLE") FOR EACH lcTable IN laTables WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Copying " + lcTable USE (lcTable) IN 0 ALIAS VFPData lcSQL = [select * from ] + lcTable + [ where 1=0] IF SQLEXEC(liHandle,lcSQL,lcTable) = 1 THEN && got the cursor... now make it updatable IF makeupdatable(lcTable) THEN * Now cycle through the vfp data and insert into MySQL recordset SELECT VFPData SCAN WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Copying " + lcTable + " (" + TRANSFORM(RECNO()) + " of " + TRANSFORM(RECCOUNT()) + ")" SCATTER MEMO NAME loRec INSERT INTO (lcTable) FROM NAME loRec ENDSCAN * Now update the cursor llSuccess = TABLEUPDATE(2,.T.,lcTable) IF NOT llSuccess THEN AERROR(laError) lcMsg = laError(2) SET STEP on MESSAGEBOX("Unable to save changes to " + lcTable + CHR(13) + CHR(13) + TRANSFORM(lcMsg),16,"Problem") ENDIF ENDIF ELSE MESSAGEBOX("Problem getting cursor " + lcTable,16,"Probl em") ENDIF * close table/cursor USE IN (SELECT("VFPData"))

USE IN (SELECT(lcTable)) ENDFOR ELSE MESSAGEBOX("Problem getting handle",16,"Problem") ENDIF && liHandle > 0

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