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T3 Tracks

9:45 am

Dont Waste Your Life

(Room 202)

CrossTrain (Youth)

(High School - Resource Center) (Middle School - Room 21)

11:00 am

New Connections
(Resource Center)


(Room 202)

I Samuel
(Room 21)

6:00 p.m.

That The World May Know

(Room 202)

T3 Tracks
8:30 am 11:00 am

T3 Tracks
New Connections - If you are new to SGC or just feel you need to get a bit more involved and need to feel plugged in, then please join us each Sunday for a relaxed conversational time of connection.

Traditional Sunday School Classes

Joint Heirs - Unashamed (Rm 202 with Roger Miller) Beacon Light - Meeting in Room 21

(Resource Center with Aaron Smith)

9:45 am
Dont Waste Your Life - Have you ever wondered if there doesnt have to be more to life than chasing the American Dream? Does it feel sometimes like life is passing you by without any real lasting satisfaction? If that is you, come join us as we seek meaningful purpose and passion in a discussion based study of the John Piper series: Dont Waste Your Life.

BASIC Series - Trends come and go in our culture and the church seems to follow. BASIC is a seven-part series of short films led by Francis Chan that challenges us to reclaim the church as Scripture describes it to be. What does it mean when the Bible says we are to fear God or follow Jesus? Is there more to being a Christian than what our society tells us there is? Join us for a discussion based class where we unpack these issues. (Room 202 with John Ware)

(Room 202 with Phil Miller)

CrossTrain - This track is for students from grades 6-12. CrossTrain is an opportunity for students to come and dive into Gods Word. We will be tackling a book of the Bible each semester and unpacking the truths that God has for us. I hope its a desire for all students to be a part of this track and grow deeper in your faith! Its always time for CrossTrain - ing at SGC! Hope to see you there! (High school in Resource Center with Joe I Samuel - We will go chapter by chapter through the book of I Samuel. God used ordinary people in mighty ways and we will look at the practicality of how to use our gifts to serve the Lord. (Room 21 with Bob Henke)

Streeter & Middle School in Room 21 with Brian Kirk)

6:00 p.m.
That the World May Know - Archaeology of the Bible.

(Room 202 with Dan Umbower)

signNo sign-ups required for T3 Tracks

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