A2 Media Questionnaire

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This questionnaire is for our A2 media coursework, please be as specific in your answers
as you can.
1. What age group do you fit in?
15- 24 25-35


2. What is your favourite genre of film?

3. After watching this trailer, would you go and see the film?
Yes No
Please give a reason for your answer.
4. After watching our product, does it look like a trailer?
Yes No
Please give a reason for your answer.

5. What genre do you think this film is? What other films are similar?
6. Did you notice a change in mood?


If yes, when do you think it was?


7. Was the music effective in reflecting the mood of the trailer? Why?
Always effective

sometimes effective

not very effective

never effective
Please give your reason:
8. Do you think the name of the film is effective? Why?

9. How does the use of special effects lend to the overall effectiveness of the trailer?
10. Do you think the magazine and poster went well with the trailer? Why?

11. What was done well and what improvements could be made, if any?

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