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Art History AP-Unit 4 Study Guide Early Christian, Byzantine, Islam Images of the Authority and power of Justinian

(temporal and spiritual authority) Intro o Justinian was considered the an strong emperor like the Roman emperors in the High Empire marked the beginning of the Byzantines o Codified the Roman laws Justinian law code o Made Christianity the legal religion in his empire o As a strong ruler Justinian wanted to convey he spiritual and temporal authority which he did through various commissioned pieces of art as seen in Justinian as world conqueror and the Mosaics of Justinian and Theodora in San Vitale. Body 1-Justinian as World Conqueror o Traditional equestrian portrait Typical for portraits of roman emperors (i.e. Marcus Aurielus) Leaders and generals ride horses conveys temporal power o Women in Corner reaching out to crown him Victory Nike conveys temporal authority as well o Guy behind horse=prisoner of war temporal authority o Women holding up his foot She symbolizes a bountiful earth which illustrates his sovereignty over the bountiful earth o On top Jesus is blessing Justinian Mandorla disc behind Jesus head shows that he is from another realm Shows Justinians spiritual authority Body 2-Mosaics in San Vitale of Justinian and Theodora o Justinian and His attendants 12 attendants direct reference to 12 apostles Temporal Authority Soldiers on left Imperial beurocracy represented by men between soldiers and Justinian temporal as well Spiritual Authority Clergy on Right side of Justinian favored side Entering carrying bread o Theodora and her Attendants Entering Church canopy over her head Carrying wine Together both mosaics show Justinian and Theodora participating in mass spiritual authority

Intro o Focus-light Light = symbol of God in Hagia Sophia o Through this light, can achieve magical union with God o Made of Solid Stone o Commissioned by Justinian Illustrates his temporal and spiritual authority (caesaropapism) To create a house of God o Neoplatonic-use physical thing (light) as a vehicle to achieve a unity of God Hagia Sophia- Dome = focus o It seems not to be founded on solid masonry, but to be suspended from heaven by that golden chain by Procopius o 40 clarestory windows dome is floating on light o Space under dome is allowed by pendantives Allows the hall to have many windows (dematerialize) o Mosaics reflects light unevenly (like glitter) dematerializes o Why? Considered to be a house of god o Tradition in Patheon Pantheon looked more solid and had great clarity Mad of concrete as opposed to rock Mosques-Dome of the Rock, Mosque of Selim II o Mosques are not the house of Allah o Individual and original o Not dematerialized o Same tradition o Gathering spot for prayer o Selim II Imperial Mosque (located in Turkish capital) 4 very tall Minerats special Imperial mosque central plan vast open interior focus on pattern arabesque calligraphic passages from Quoran Pointed arch-Islamic Made to directly compete with Hagia Sophia Nothing dematerialized More dramatic than Cordoba Central Plan Mosque can see Mihrab no matter where you are at in mosque

o Dome of the Rock Mohammad ascended to heaven on an overnight jouney there Abraham nearly sacrificed issac there Adam buried there Clerestory windows Typical mosque conventions Arabesque, emphasis on patterning, calligraphic passages from Quoran Light come in not used to dematerialize things like Hagia Sophia Parts have great clarity Central versus Non Central Plan Mosques Intro Non-Central Plan o Prominent Mosque in Europe Imported mosaic artists from Constantinople Huge o Grid Pattern Cold add on throughout history Hypostyle hall- hall of many columns (514) o Not oriented towards an alter o Can not see Quibla wall as you enter Arches become more elaborate closer to the Quibla wall o Calligraphic passages from Quoran Central Plan-Dome of the Rock, Mosque of Selim II o Mosques are not the house of Allah o Individual and original o Not dematerialized o Same tradition o Gathering spot for prayer o Selim II-central Imperial Mosque (located in Turkish capital) 4 very tall Minerats special Imperial mosque central plan vast open interior focus on pattern arabesque calligraphic passages from Quoran Pointed arch-Islamic Made to directly compete with Hagia Sophia Nothing dematerialized More dramatic than Cordoba

Central Plan Mosque can see Mihrab no matter where you are at in mosque o Dome of the Rock-central Mohammad ascended to heaven on an overnight journey there Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac there Adam buried there Clerestory windows Typical mosque conventions Arabesque, emphasis on patterning, calligraphic passages from Quoran Light come in not used to dematerialize things like Hagia Sophia Parts have great clarity A Comparison of Early Christian Art from The Period of Persecution and The Period of Recognition Intro o 313-Edict of Milan Commissioned by Constantine Toleration of all faiths o Before Christians had to worship in their homes no large scale artworks o Marked a transition in Christianity that grew as an institution and the artworks became grander and more imperial Body 1-The Good Shepard, Roman Catacomb o Typical Roman Fresco (except for Content) o Jesus is depicted as the Good Shepard Scene of salvation Shepard watches over all his sheep Jesus watches over all his people Cares for them and dies for them o Metaphor for Crucifixion and redemption Jesus Young and beardless o How philosophers and poets where shown o Jonah gets swallowed by a Whale Prefigures Christ (born into a new life) Divided into lunets (circles) Other figures (orants) honoring in prayer between lunets Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus o After Edict of Milan, ended the use of catacombs o Now used sarcophagi This one for Roman official Junius Bassus

o Depictions of Christ also change as well as burial methods Looks like an emperor-(equestrian on center bottom relief) o Top Center one Sitting on throne (like an emperor) Passing scrolls (symbol of passing law) like an emperor Feed on head-shows power over cosmos (sovereignty of all existence) People begin recognizing this sense of power

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